< Informed Attractiveness

Informed Attractiveness/Playing With

Basic Trope: Someone is said to be exceptionally attractive when she looks like everyone else.

  • Straight: People say that Alice is more attractive than Brittany, even though they look about the same.
  • Exaggerated: People say that Alice is more attractive than Brittany when Alice is covered in warts and Brittany is a supermodel.
    • Alternately: Everyone, girls included, falls madly in love with Alice on sight, and will avoid Brittany at all costs, despite the fact that they're played by the same actress.
  • Justified: Claude keeps saying Alice is more attractive than Brittany because he's madly in love with Alice and sees everything about her with Rose Tinted Glasses.
    • Alternately: Faces are seen from the point of view of someone with prosopagnosia, or face blindness.
  • Hand Waved: It's a series which is drawn with a different drawing style and disclaimer says that the audience may not see what the character see.
  • Inverted: Hollywood Homely
  • Subverted: People keep telling Bob that Alice is really, really hot. Then he finally meets her and is disappointed that she looks just like anyone else.
  • Double Subverted: ...Until she turns on the Bishie Sparkle!
  • Parodied: The characters involved are cyborgs in identical robot shells with no wear and tear. They insist that Alice has the prettiest one.
  • Deconstructed: Men are very liable to suggestion, and if they are told someone is attractive, they will automatically agree.
  • Reconstructed: Men realize they are just giving in to peer pressure and return to their original opinion.
  • Zig Zagged: People say Alice is hotter than Brittany. When both are seen, it is actually Brittany who is hotter. But that was mostly because of the make up she was wearing. No, wait, Alice was wearing make up too. But when Alice takes her make up off, she still is more attractive that Brittany.
  • Averted: Nobody brings up Alice's attractiveness, nor compares it to any other woman.
  • Enforced: The producers want an old character to be known for her beauty while remaining recognizable.
  • Lampshaded: "Is it just me or do these girls look just as ugly?" "It's just you."
  • Invoked: On hearing Charlie has been told Alice is incredibly hot and is coming over to see her, Brittany attempts to match her hotness.
  • Defied: Charlie is told Alice is hot, but she looks the same as Brittany, who is homely. Make up time!
  • Discussed: See "Lampshaded"
  • Conversed: "Why do they keep touting Alice as the sexiest thing in That Show? She looks like a horse!"
  • Plotted a Good Waste: Everyone talks about how beautiful Princess Alice is, but in due course, Bob realizes that it's because of her position, they are all trying to flatter her. (Either because they assume she will like it and favor them, though it only makes her aware of how lonely she is, or because she's a vicious tempered shrew who will have them all thrown in prison for insulting her good looks.)
    • Alternatively everyone talks about Alice's beauty and she doesn't look significantly better than anyone else. It turns out Alice was subconsciously using Mind Control because she wanted to be loved.

My oh my, the main page for Informed Attractiveness is FAR better looking than Hollywood Homely...

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