< Infinity (fanfic)

Infinity (fanfic)/Heartwarming

Crowning Moments of Heartwarming for the Nanoha fanfic, Infinity

  • In Chapter 20, this scene between Nanoha and Fate:

"Oh, Nanoha...." Fate said, a tear running down her cheek in spite of herself. "I... I thought I was done with this. Deep down, I never knew for certain whether the way it ended was good or bad, but at least I knew it ended. It was done, and I could move on with my life. But now... she's...!"

"Fate." Nanoha said firmly, adjusting Fate's head gently so they were looking each other directly in the eyes. "Things are different this time. You have friends, and you have a family... a real family, that loves you. If you want to go out, hunt down your mother and pay her back for all the horrible things she did to you, all of us will be right there beside you. If you... you want to try one more time to reach her, reconcile, then as much as we don't think she deserves it, we'll still be right beside you for that too. If you want to forget about the problem, call in sick, and take a vacation to somewhere tropical while we deal with things for you... well, you've earned it." Nanoha said, putting on a small smile as she said this last point and being rewarded by a somewhat strangled chuckle from the blonde girl. "Whatever happens, whatever you choose to do, just remember that all of us are by your side. I'm here. You're not alone."

  • Susanoo's talk with Tsukuyomi about her increasingly uncontrollable emotions in Chapter 28 before Amaterasu interrupts.
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