< Infested


  • Hell Is That Noise- Many of the stories start out with the family noticing an eerie scratching sound coming from either the attic or inside the walls.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel- Just the very thought of a home being infested by deadly spiders, scorpions, or disease-carrying pests like rats and cockroaches can give people the shivers.
  • Narm- On the other hand, since the show tends to portray the infestations as overly-dramatic as possible, they tend to fall under this too. Making a cockroach/rat/bat infestation (even if it is really disgusting) look like the hellspawn are invading someone's home is rather cheesy at times.
  • Nausea Fuel- Several of the infestation stories are sickening enough to make your skin crawl.
    • Cockroach infestations in particular. Each story starts with the family only noticing a few crawling around the floor, and then it escalates into them crawling all over everything...including food in the fridge.
    • The story about the home that got infested by Argentine ants. A few crawling around outside is normal. Several crawling around on a BBQ is gross but not unheard of. Hundreds crawling around a kitchen is disgusting. Taking a swig from a water bottle and spitting out 20 ants is horrifying. And, thousands of ants crawling all over you while you're taking a bath (and you happen to be a small child) is too disgusting for words.
  • Paranoia Fuel- Your house could be infested by hundreds (if not thousands) of cockroaches, rats, ants, etc. and you may not know about it until it's too late.
    • Scorpions and brown recluse spiders are especially subject to this. Especially since they're both highly venomous.
  • Squick- Many many of the stories featured will make your skin crawl. Ranging from the sheer number of waste some animals produce to the damage a spider bite can do to your flesh.
    • One episode featured a little girl who became covered in ants...in her bath tub. *Shudder*
    • Pretty much any time a house is infested with cockroaches. Those things end up everywhere.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.