In Case of Boss Fight Break Glass

Two guesses where the weak point is.

That robot needs a less glaring weak spot.

That is, certain Boss Fights look very threatening, but all you need to do is hit the incredibly obvious glass chamber - which can either hold the pilot, an exposable core system, or whatever the crap they decided to put behind it - For Massive Damage.

These are incredibly common around machinery bosses, such as against a Humongous Mecha, Walking Tank, or a Battleship Raid; the latter being less commonly used.

Subtrope of Attack Its Weak Point.

This trope can also be combined with Colossus Climb if the weak point is high up on a structure.

Compare with Go for the Eye.

Examples of In Case of Boss Fight Break Glass include:

Action Game

  • Poison Ivy in Batman: Arkham Asylum. This one is odd, considering she's inside a plant.
  • Mechwarrior has this trope in the form of the cockpit hitbox location. However despite the fact that it has minimal armor and a powerful shot can in fact instakill any mech if you hit it the small size and difficulty of hitting it even under the best of conditions makes it almost universally a lucky shot if you pull it off.
    • Crosses over directly with Go for the Eye against an Atlas; the cockpit location is it's right eye!

Beat'Em Up

  • Averted in the old Punisher beat'em up game - The robot boss has some glass panels in its head but those go first and breaking them is no impediment - you have to literally punch the thing into scrap to win (It somewhat resembles the car-wrecking bonus stage in Street Fighter II - the thing keeps losing more and more parts as you beat it up.)
  • The Ninja Warriors Again has the Final Boss, the evil dictator you're supposed to kill. Except he's in a laser-spamming machine with a glass window. And there are loads of minions attacking you! You have to throw the minions into the glass to damage it until it breaks.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time for the SNES gives you this in your first boss fight against Shredder, who's in a mechanical construct firing all sorts of weapons at you while his Foot Soldiers are distracting you (and the battle is shown from Shredder's point of view). While you can beat up the ninjas endlessly, the only way to beat Shredder is to throw said ninjas into the screen.

Platform Game

Role-Playing Game

  • In Knights of the Old Republic, the key to defeating the final boss is shattering containers with prisoners, from which he keeps leeching life to heal himself.
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