Impossibly Tacky Clothes/Quotes
"How many gay cheetas gave their lives for this jacket?..."—Mike Thorton, Alpha Protocol
"Are you wearing that for a bet?"—Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear
"This sequence is an exercise in obscenely conspicuous consumption, in which the girls appear in so many different outfits they must have been followed to the Middle East by a luggage plane. I don't know a whole lot about fashion, but I know something about taste, and these women spend much of the movie dressed in tacky, vulgar clothing. Carrie and Samantha also display the maximum possible boobage, oblivious to Arab ideas about women's modesty. There's more cleavage in this film than at a pro wrestler's wedding."
Banto: Awe inspiring? In that coat? Have you taken a look in the mirror recently? Come to think of it I shouldn’t think you do much else.
Banto: Sharpened aesthetic sense? Sharpened by what, a dose of mind altering drugs?
Doctor: I intend to rise above your barbs... but before I do I’d like to say that this coat can only be appreciated by someone with a sharpened aesthetic sense – not a dunderhead like you!—Big Finish Doctor Who, The One Doctor
"My coat," the Doctor said, with his best (not very good) imitation of patience, "is in fashion on exactly no planets, in precisely no time or place whatsoever. You see, fashion is at its heart a form of categorization. Dress in one way and be taken for a gentleman of leisure; choose less distinguished clothes, and one is mistaken for the janitor. On no world, in no era, will I step outside the TARDIS and have the natives say, without introduction, 'Ah, of course, you must be a scientist'–or a dentist, or a bricklayer–because my clothing defies such easy classification." He was getting louder. "Defies? Laughs at! With this," he pulled on his lapels, "I tell the universe that I will not be pigeonholed! I may not be slotted neatly into a mental folder! I have no caste, I suffer no artificial restrictions, I cannot be put in my place because my place does not exist. Kings and galley slaves are alike to me, because to me, such hierarchies are nothing! I reject them! The indefinite article does not apply to me; I am not a or an anything. This coat says that I am the Doctor, singular, unique, without substitute or equivalent or equal!" The other people on the top deck decided spontaneously, in unison, to be further away from the deranged, eye-searing shouty man. "And," the Doctor added smugly, in a slightly less parade-ground voice, "I aim to misbehave."
One of the kidnappers had drawn his blaster and was lining it up on a badly dressed and clearly insane figure that had appeared from nowhere and was running straight at him.
"And here I thought you wore black because you dressed in the dark."—Han Solo observing Luke Skywalker in non-black clothing, Star Wars Union.