Imperial Dawn

Western civilization begins turning into something resembling Plato's Republic or the Tau Empire, coming under the sway of the philosopher-kings known as patricians. Some people support this development more than others, and fighting ensues. Imperial Dawn follows the lives of four people during the course of the war: a spy, a loyalist, a rebel, and an arms manufacturer. Both sides of the war are presented in equal detail, leaving the reader to pick which is best.

Imperial Dawn offers a fairly realistic depiction of war, and explores the moral ambiguities inherent in any conflict, no matter how noble the cause.

Imperial Dawn is a work-in-progress, being posted online. It can be found here.

Tropes used in Imperial Dawn include:
  • Action Girl - Jennifer Ko, although given her violent nature, she could be considered a Dark Action Girl instead.
    • Also, Jaina.
  • Affably Evil - Blackwood is introduced as somewhat relaxed and friendly, and later takes on a sinister air, while still maintaining his charm.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation - The Imperials are either a bastion of hope and progress for humanity, or terrifying Nazis.
  • Badass Army - The ELITE regiments cultivate a reputation for being batshit insane beserkers.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive - Edward Donovan seems to start as this, supporting the Allies only because it is profitable.
  • Grey and Gray Morality - Neither side is presented as morally superior. Both have legitimate reasons for fighting and both have their nicer and meaner moments.
  • Magnificent Bastard - One for each side. The Allies have Admiral Hutchinson, who seems to masterfully manipulate his supporters while remaining genuine and charismatic. The Imperials have Blackwood, who is something of a darker James Bond.
  • Putting on the Reich - Played with. The Imperials wear black uniforms, but are no worse morally than the Allies.
  • Reconstruction - Of Plato's Republic, apparently.
  • Screaming Warrior - The Engagement Light Infantry Tactical Enforcers, as a method of psychological warfare.
  • Shout-Out - Seemingly quite a lot. The Imperials being based off of the Tau Empire is foremost among them.
    • Colonel Hayter is a reference to David Hayter, voice of Solid Snake.
    • Donovan's epiphany while reaching into the fridge seems to be a reference to this very wiki.
  • Twenty Minutes Into the Future
  • Utopia Justifies the Means - The Imperials can get this way, although they are presented as just another political system that works, not a utopia.
  • Villain Protagonist - Any of the four main characters could be interpreted this way: you have an arms manufacturer, a black ops assassin, a member of a unit known for being Blood Knights, and a soldier who can be a bit too passionate about her work.
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