Imogen Heap

Imogen Heap is a famous alternative singer from Essex, England. She began writing music as a teenager, having learned to play and taught herself to play many instruments as a teenager. She got her start in recording music as a guest vocalist for the band Acacia. After Acacia ended, she released her first solo album, i Megaphone. However, despite its popularity, record problems and budget issues resulted in her being dropped from her record label. She began collaborating with Guy Sigsworth, Acacia's programmer and keyboard player. Forming the duo Frou Frou, they released a single album, Details, in 2002. After getting dropped from their label, Imogen created her second solo album, Speak for Yourself in 2005, and followed it with Ellipse in 2009.
A large part of her popularity comes from the presence of "Let Go", Frou Frou's Signature Song, in the movie Garden State, and the use of "Hide and Seek"- first in the season 3 finale of The OC, then in the 'Dear Sister' skit on Saturday Night Live, and finally in Jason Derulo's song 'Whatcha Say'. Unfortunately, the latter has led to many people only knowing her for "Hide and Seek".
- iMegaphone (1998)
- Speak for Yourself (2005)
- Ellipse (2009)
- Sparks (2014)
- The Music of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (2018)
- Adorkable: Watch any of her vBlogs. Any of them.
- Anti-Love Song: "I Am In Love With You", "The Walk", possibly "Loose Ends"
- Anime Hair: Some of her hairdos are very large and gravity-defying.
- Audience Participation Song: "Hide and Seek" and "Just For Now".
- Auto-Tune: She uses a vocoder on "Hide and Seek" in order to sing multi-part harmony with herself.
- Best Served Cold: "Getting Scared", which is about someone who was bullied for years as a child and gets revenge on their tormenter.
- Big Screwed-Up Family: "Just For Now"
- Blackmail: "A-Ha!"
- Body Double: "Bad Body Double", obviously.
- Break Up Song: "Loose Ends" is about the slow, quiet dissolution of a relationship.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Downer Ending: Speak For Yourself, a quite peppy, quirky album, ends with the slow, dramatic and somewhat scary "The Moment I Said It".
- English Rose
- Evil Twin: "Bad Body Double"
- Freak-Out: Apparently, "First Train Home" was inspired by a minor one.
- Hypocrite: "Aha!"'s first two verses -- one is about a man who, while saying he couldn't eat wheat, or meat, or dairy (because of his own choices, not because of allergies), later ate a chocolate biscuit containing wheat and dairy, knowing its contents. Imogen wasn't amused (especially since she'd just taken a huge amount of care to make him a dinner he could eat). The second verse is about one of her neighbours, who, despite being an environmental activist, wanted to cut down a tree so he could see his car. Imogen really wasn't amused. The third verse is about a murderer.
- Instrumentals: The deluxe version of Ellipse featured a second disc containing the entire album in this form. Since "The Fire" was already an instrumental, Heap removed the piano solo leaving just the crackling fire.
- Last-Note Nightmare: Both the beginning and ending to "Leave Me To Love".
- Lyrical Dissonance: "Goodnight and Go" (a silly, happy song about being infatuated with someone to the point that you're stalking them), "Getting Scared" (a slow but upbeat song about a girl getting revenge on her childhood tormenter), and "Shine" (which is thought to be about someone who is going to commit suicide but finally decides not to, and to keep going with their life), among others.
- "Loose Ends", "Angry Angel", "I Am In Love With You", "Clear The Area", "Little Bird", "Bad Body Double", "Wait It Out"...
- Lyrical Tic: She was rather fond of "da da oom" early on, which showed up in "Not You Again" and in the iMegaphone songs "Candlelight" and "Angry Angel", among others.
- Obsession Song: "Goodnight and Go" is a very sweet song...but there's one part in particular...
"Follow you home
You've got your headphones on and you're dancing
Got lucky, beautiful shot
You're taking everything off
Watch the curtains, wide open
And you fall in the same routine
Flicking through the TV
Relaxed and reclining
And you think you're aloneā¦"
- Also, quite possibly "Swoon".
- Perishing Alt Rock Voice
- Precision F-Strike: In "Bad Body Double":
"We look very similar except she's got some grays and a little extra weight on the sides and dimply thighs, I hear that stuff's a bitch to get rid of."
- Scatting: She loves this trope.
- Scenery Porn: "Propeller Seeds" uses "3D" sound to create an aural version of this trope.
- Significant Anagram: iMegaphone -> Imogen Heap.
- Signature Song: "Hide and Seek"
- Stalker with a Crush: "Goodnight and Go"
- Statuesque Stunner: She's six feet tall.
- Sweet Dreams Fuel: "Can't Take It In", the song she made for the soundtrack from The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe.
- "Sleep"
- Teacher-Student Romance: "Come Here Boy", formed from a crush she had on a music teacher.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: She has one to rival Lady Gaga. More recently, at the Grammys, she wore a dress that displayed the Twitter messages of fans.
- What Could Have Been: Originally, she wrote "2-1" for the soundtrack to the Prince Caspian film, but it was rejected and the track ended up on Ellipse.
- Word Salad Lyrics: "Lifeline", "Tidal" and "Daylight Robbery".