Immortality Syndrome
"With life, there is no 'tomorrow morning'. When night arrives, it all ends." She looked down at her hands, holding them up in front of her, "Except for me. Thanks to the professor, I have been given another morning…and I know the truth."
A Powerpuff Girls Dark Fic written back in 2001 by Mark J. "Parsec" Hadley. Despite being only four chapters long, it's very memorable and absolutely chilling.
The basic premise is that Mojo Jojo, fed up with always losing, ambushes the Powerpuffs outside their own house with his Robo Jojo. He proves to be Not So Harmless this time, and actually succeeds in killing Blossom.
Mojo Jojo is beaten to a pulp and thrown into jail, leaving the survivors to deal with the death. The Professor, however, figures out a way to bring Blossom back...but at what cost?
Can be found here. Proved to be so popular that it spawned two sequels: Immortality Relapse and Solitary Vigil.
- After the End: The premise of Solitary Vigil.
- Anyone Can Die
- Back from the Dead
- Bittersweet Ending: Immortality Syndrome: Bubbles manages to stop Blossom and Buttercup but at the cost of killing them. The Professor decides it'll be better to let them go then trying to revive them again and the two scatter their remains to the wind.
- Solitary Vigil: Bubbles, now a grown up, manages to fix a time machine and heads back into the past though she knows its a one way trip. She manages to destroy Mojo's plans for the saw blades and doomsday machine (that caused the end of the world in Relapse) and races to the PPG house to stop Mojo from killing Blossom. She succeeds but is killed in the process. As she dies, she gives the Professor a journal of what happened begging him not to make the mistakes that went on in her timeline before expiring. The Professor promises, giving her remains a burial in their backyard.
- Break the Cutie
- Came Back Wrong: The entire premise of the series.
- Corrupt the Cutie
- Diabolus Ex Machina: Immortality Relapse has Boomer's relapse triggering the death of the world.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: And Bubbles manages too at the end of Solitary Vigil.
- Face Heel Turn: Immortality Syndrome causes this.
- Heel Face Turn: Butch in Immortality Relapse, and later Boomer.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Both Butch and Boomer.
- Heroic BSOD: Poor Bubbles suffers several of these in Relapse, including a Trauma Conga Line version upon realizing Antidote X can cure Immortality Syndrome, and she'd used it on Blossom right before killing her for the final time... -- followed immediately by the realization that they'd let their ingredients go, meaning they couldn't be brought back and cured now that they knew how.
- Heroic Willpower: Possibly used to resist the titular immortality syndrome.
- It's All My Fault: Bubbles, during aforementioned Heroic BSOD.
- Kill'Em All: The end of Immortality Relapse.
- Magic A Is Magic A: Upgrade, an unconnected side-story by the same author, nevertheless implicitly keeps the Fanon established in IS straight by having the Professor Take a Third Option by temporarily transferring Buttercup's mind into a robot so that it doesn't go through the psychological shock of experiencing her death and rebirth firsthand.
- Messianic Archetype: Bubbles becomes this by the end of Solitary Vigil.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: One chapter in Solitary Vigil has Bubbles inadvertently inspiring Mojo to create the duraunium blades during one of her trips into the past.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Sufferers of Immortality Syndrome tend to turn into this.
- Not So Harmless: Mojo Jojo.
- The Nothing After Death
- Psycho Serum: Possibly Chemical X itself.
- Sole Survivor: By the end of Immortality Relapse, Bubbles has become this.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Eventually revealed as the true premise of Solitary Vigil.
- Survivor Guilt: Bubbles must cope with this in Relapse and Solitary Vigil.
- Taking The Blade: How Bubbles manages to save Blossom's life and avert the Bad Future.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?