< Iji

Iji/Tear Jerker

  • The sorrow in the Iji's voice after her first kill
  • The hair ribbons scattered through the complex that belonged to Iji's now-dead sister
  • If the player fails to obtain or take heed of the warning Iji senses from the hair ribbons, and the player similarly fails to exhibit precognition, Asha kills Iji's brother and Iji suffers a Heroic BSOD and goes on talking to him as if he's still alive.
  • the last stand of the Tasen. It's bad enough watching them be hunted down and slaughtered one by one by the deeply sociopathic Komato if you've been reading the various logbooks, but when they're driven to their very last holdout the conclusion is all the more painful because the Tasen diary writer and her girlfriend, and Vateilika, if they're still alive, are all holing up there, and before you can enter something tears through their defenses and butchers them all. When this troper actually heard the screaming and explosions offscreen, he literally gasped and whispered "Oh no...Paie!"
    • Thankfully, if you take the mostly-pacifist route like he did, all three survive by fleeing before the outpost falls.
      • And now that same route will lead to the Tasen outpost surviving before the Komato can kill them all.
  • The ending and the death of General Tor bring tears from this troper every time.
    • ESPECIALLY the ending in which You dont save Dan from Asha. The entire planet is almost devoid of life, save for ants and plants, and the few humans Dan is dead, and the Tasen are on the verge of extinction, if not extinct aleardy.
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