Ice is a Death Note AU fan fiction in progress written by Sonic Critic, where Mello is actually a crossdressing woman. It starts with Mello recruiting Matt for the Kira investigation and loosely follows canon from there.
Currently at seven chapters, and can be read here:
Tropes used in Ice include:
- Action Girl - Mello.
- Artifact of Death - Mello managed to save some Death Note pages...
- Ascended Extra - Jose. He seems to have been Mello's mentor of sorts.
- Berserk Button - Subverted. When people mistake Mello for a girl, she's not really mad, she just needs to act mad to keep her disguise up.
- Blue Eyes - Mello.
- Cluster F-Bomb - Mello and Matt swear constantly.
- Deadpan Snarker - Matt.
- Deuteragonist - Mello and Matt switch points of view.
- Forceful Kiss - Mello to Matt, when she wanted him to stop laughing.
- Everything's Better with Chocolate
- Green Eyed Red Head - Matt.
- Gender Blender Name - Mello's name is still Mihael Keehl, courtesy of a drunk midwife writing the wrong name on the birth certificate.
- Hell-Bent for Leather - Mello.
- Ignore the Fanservice - Due to incompatible orientation.
- The Mentor - Jose, sort of.
- My Beloved Smother - Mello's mother had shades of this.
- Pretty in Mink - Mello's fur coat.
- "Shut Up" Kiss - See above
- Stay in the Kitchen - Mello's worst fear is this.
- Sweet Polly Oliver - Fem!Mello.
- Why Couldn't You Be Different?
- Wholesome Crossdresser - Mello's mother seems to have wanted Mello to be this, since she believed women couldn't get anywhere in the world.
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