< I Know What You Did Last Summer

I Know What You Did Last Summer/YMMV

  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The first movie had a girl who talked to ghost and a girl who kills them.
  • Idiot Plot: A major complaint of the first two movies.
  • Memetic Mutation: SOON
  • Moral Event Horizon: The teens in the first movie, as they decide to throw the body into the ocean to avoid going to jail for DUI and vehicular manslaughter. The Jerk Jock really crosses the line because he dives in after the body, to make sure it stays sunk. While there, he's the only one who sees the Eye Awaken of the victim, meaning he KNOWS that the victim is still alive! He just swims away, then pressures the others to keep the secret when they start to relent.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Max is Leonard
  • What an Idiot!: Barry knows someone wants to kill him. Said person even tried to run him over. So what does he do? Why, he ends up going up to a dark, secluded balcony all by himself.
    • Helen is no better. After a relentless pursuit, she runs through an alley and comes upon a parade full of people - only to stop and check if the killer has caught up to her yet. Naturally, she would've gotten away if she had just kept running.
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