< I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: The boy in Benny's scenario, who never mentions his mother again after learning of her tragic death.
  • Anticlimax Boss: The Yellow Rapist in Ellen's scenario. All you have to do is select a dialogue option where Ellen stands up to him, and he falls apart after one strike.
    • That may have been the point. For all its power, AM does not have the ability to resurrect the dead. It can only create illusions of people, and some of these illusions would just fall apart if attacked. AM thought it could just scare Ellen into submission with an illusion of her rapist, but it did not take into account that she could fight back against her rapist.
  • Complete Monster: AM, without question. Ultimately his downfall, as two of the Logic Bombs used to finally defeat him revolve around compassion and forgiveness, things he's incapable of understanding.
    • Also a few human characters who are encountered in the game as Virtual Ghosts. There's the nazi scientist Dr. Mengele (Truth in Television!), Gorrister's mother-in-law Edna, and the "Yellow Rapist", who not only violated Ellen sexually but physically tortured her and did the same to twenty other women.
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: Ted actually manages to triumph over AM and prove the computer is not the all-powerful god he set himself up as by killing all the other prisoners and freeing them from their torment. A combination of the fact that the price of this is being turned into a helpless jelly-thing to prevent him from ever winning again, and the fact that he's an Unreliable Narrator who's become too cowed by AM to realize he won tends to hide the "happy" part from most readers.
  • Moment of Awesome: As horrible as AM is, you can't deny that his opening speech in the game was made of pure awesome.
  • Nightmare Fuel: This story is one of the purest sources of Nightmare Fuel ever. It will haunt you long after you read it.
  • The Woobie: Who cares about anything bad that they've done. C'mon, how could you not feel sorry for them?
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