< I Am Not Shazam

I Am Not Shazam/Web Comics

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  • Sluggy Freelance. Ten years on, and we still haven't found out what the title actually means, we just know it's not the name of any of the characters.
  • Subverted in Nintendo Super Squad, which attempts to read like a comic drawn by an idiotic thirteen-year-old boy. The comic is about to introduce "Metroid", who the characters all mention is a strong woman who looks great in a bikini, so we naturally assume that Metroid is Samus Aran, the hero of the Metroid games -- but when Metroid arrives, she actually is a Metroid, the eponymous monster of the series.
  • El Goonish Shive is apparently its creator's old nickname and has no other connection to the story. They lampshade this in one strip, bringing in a hired goon for one panel to "put the goonish in El Goonish Shive".
  • Parodied in one issue of Mulberry, as the titular heiress watched a show on The CW about her hometown. The nerdy gamer exclaimed at one point, "I've almost rescued Princess BioShock (series)!"
  • Girly the lead character Otra constantly attempts to correct people at first to what her real name is after being called "Girly". making her accidentally a Meta Chick
  • Shinka: The Last Eevee. The Eevee's name is Nick. What "Shinka" means hasn't been explained yet.
    • Although now that Nick has evolved into a Leafeon the author has stated that the title doesn't refer to him at all, so maybe "Shinka" really is the name of an Eevee that will be introduced later.
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