ICTON: Adventures in Minecraft

ICTON: Adventures In Minecraft is a Machinima detailing adventures in the world of Minecraft, in the town of New Ictonington, Wergbabwe.

Along with the tour episodes (handled by Djy1991), bonus episodes taking place in Wergbabwe are released by other members of Icton, usually PsychoDuck and Marcarco, and are expectedly random and ridiculous as the main series.

You can start watching here.

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Tropes used in ICTON: Adventures in Minecraft include:
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Tours frequently get sidetracked for one reason or another, but a good example is Genesis's "I'M AUSTRALIAN I CAN FLY!"
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The Church of Dwarfio, more or less.
    • "Interesting."
  • Big No: PsychoDuck gives one when one of his houses starts getting blown up.
  • Blatant Lies: PsychoDuck assures us that the Amazing Fish-Free Aquarium is only coincidentally a subsidiary of Larry's Seafood Emporium.
  • Cloudcuckooland: It's inhabited by the people of ICTON, so what do you expect?
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Everyone, to an extent.
  • Crazy Cat Lady: Marcarco
  • Development Hell: There was an 8 month gap(!) between episodes at one point. Everyone blames Djy1991 (the cameraman), as this video (humorously) attests. Apparently he moved away during that time, and now that he's back, videos are being released at a steady rate.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Marcarco, who didn't give a tour of his house (probably because he wasn't feeling confident with English, as made fun of by Abby), and who didn't get to talk about the barn because it got set on fire and blown up when he tried to, got a whole 10-minute-long video devoted to him giving the viewers Dutch lessons on one of Djy1991's other channels. As with everything else in Wergbabwe, it doesn't go very well.
  • Engrish: Many fall into this occasionally, but Marcarco, a native of the Netherlands, is notable.
  • Epic Fail: Bro gets stuck in a "hot tub" in his own house. Might also happen to Tictac: "During construction of [Nomible's] house many, many weeks ago... Mom, go away."
    • Nomible tried to build a fireplace... with lava.
    • The irrigation system is made of wood. Bro says it works pretty well when it's not on fire.
  • Fantastic Racism: One food stand doesn't serve the French, Dutch, or Australians.
  • Funny Background Event
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck: When Genesis gives his tour of the hospital and another building, for some reason he tries to keep himself from using swearwords, generally saying "Son of a bee sting", but he still fails miserably at it.
  • Hilarious Outtakes: There's a "Behind the Scenes" video that basically functions as this, revealing just how long it takes to film a simple scripted sequence thanks to everyone's antics to random flubs that weren't left in the final cut.
  • Kill It with Fire: Kind of. Apparently a running joke is that every house Nomible builds will be set on fire by the others.
    • Apples get incinerated for no real reason, though.
  • Lampshade Hanging: PsychoDuck constantly mentions how everyone else must love the way wood looks considering it burns. He goes on to subvert this when he reveals that he made a balcony out of wood, saying, "Stone's heavy. Stone falls."
  • Non-Fatal Explosions: Someone, maybe Marcarco, was standing on a mountain when it got detonated. Despite everyone's panicked screams, he was okay. Played with by PsychoDuck: The TNT War involved three people and 600 pounds of TNT. They blasted a gigantic crater beneath the ground but only died when they managed to fall back down into it.
  • Mega Corp: PsychoDuck's "oppressive chain of fast-food restaurants", McDuckles.
  • Running Gag: The place is filled with viewing platforms, as PsychoDuck can tell you. Also, almost everything has been set on fire, apparently including the irrigation system, as mentioned above.
  • Shout-Out: There's a bunch, but the two most obvious are the ones to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Shining.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Happens on-camera occasionally. Puppysky likes explosions, though: Cave Town came to be when he found a small underground area, filled it with TNT, and "blew the fuck out of it". Considering the size of Cavetown... wow.
    • Again in Cavetown, and again with Puppy, he mentions he had built a tower where they had planted some trees, filled it with explosives, and blew that up as well.
  • The Unintelligible: Marcarco, more or less, at a point during the tour of Kakariko Village.
  • The Unseen: You can see a few signs for "Castown" in one video. When they eventually get to it, somebody is in the process of blowing it up, and it doesn't even fully render on the camera before it's been obliterated.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: "Please excuse the audible sirens in the previous shot, I think somebody fell off a building."
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