I-Ninja is a quirky action video game made for the Game Cube, Xbox, PlayStation 2 and PC. In it, our hero (named Ninja) is exposed to a gem named a Rage Stone and accidentally kills his Sensei in a fit of rage. He then goes off in search of the other Rage Stones, fighting and commanding giant robots along the way, meeting mermaids, mystics and eventually going off to the moon in search of these artifacts.
Tropes used in I-Ninja include:
- Action Girl: A few of the ninja masters are women.
- Battle Aura: Whenever Ninja uses one of his abilities, he gains an aura. Taken to the extreme with his final ability, I-Ninja, which is essentially his aura turned into a death zone.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Just check out his picture up there.
- Blood Knight: Oh yeah, Ninja.
- Calling Your Attacks: Oh, yeah.
- Character Level: A dual example. After finishing missions, you gain a token which goes towards your belt's colour. Once you have enough, you gain access to new areas. Your sword, after killing enough enemies, will become more powerful as well.
- Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The different abilities give Ninja a different Battle Aura.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Ninja and Sensei.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Again, Ninja and Sensei.
- Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana: Played with; Ninja's sword goes through a variety of forms, but it's initial one is a katana.
- Evil Laugh: Ninja's not evil, but he does let out nasty chuckles when he's tearing through many enemies.
- Evolving Weapon: Ninja's swords.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Billy West voices the titular hero.
- Humongous Mecha: The first boss battle has you engage in a fistfight with one of these after repairing your own mecha over the course of the first level.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Ninja's sword upgrades many times over the course of his adventure, but its basic form stays that of a katana for the entire game.
- Large Ham: Ninja himself.
- Lovable Coward: Twiggy, the ninja master of camouflage.
- MacGuffin: The Rage Stones.
- Mecha-Mooks: Pretty much the entire Ranx army.
- Ninja Just Threw A Bunch Of Shuriken In Your Face: See page image.
- Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: One uncommon enemy is basically a robotic dragon/wolf hybrid.
- Spirit Advisor: Sensei, despite being quite dead, stays with Ninja and acts as his mentor.
- The Berserker: Ninja, to the point that the first ability he gains is called 'Ninja Beserker'.
- Title Drop: Ninja's final special ability that allows him to kill enemies without even touching them!
- Hub Level: After a boss fight, you gain access to a new area and a new set of levels.
- Unexpected Shmup Level: Several.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: To the point that you actually begin to expect them.
- Unstoppable Rage: Pretty much all of his special moves are fueled by rage and allow him to cut through entire groups of enemies like they were made of tissue paper.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: If Ninja was fighting human enemies this game would have easily gotten an M rating for violence.
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