< I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC

I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC/Characters

The heroes and villains of the randomverse:




"What is it with all the free milkshakes lately?"


Iron Man

Iron Man: She's a great bartender, Spidey. I made her myself.
Spidey: Are you saying you've slept with her?
Iron Man: No, I'm saying she's an android.
Spidey: Oh. (Beat) But you have slept with her?
Iron Man: (Casually) Oh, yeah.

The Incredible Hulk


Goblin: Look, we're just a couple of sociopaths - (Deadpool clears throat) - fine, a sociopath and a psychopath.

  • Immortality
  • Large Ham
  • The Lancer: To the Green Goblin in "Zero Hour", and to Rorschach in "Rorschach and Deadpool".
  • Medium Awareness: As usual...
    • No Fourth Wall: ... Although, it's gradually progressing into this. Everyone already knows they're fictional characters with movies being made about them, but he's the only one aware that he's an action figure in a web series, and comments on the editing, his yellow subtitles and the wait between episodes.
  • Power Trio: With Lex Luthor and the Green Goblin, apparently.
  • Professional Killer / Psycho for Hire

DP: What? I kill people. It's a perfectly legitimate business.
Goblin: Killing's not legitimate!
DP: (defensively) It's a business.


Green Lantern

The Mighty Thor


Captain America (comics)

Stan Lee


Lex Luthor

Lance M. Donovan

An Original Character introduced in After Hours. He's revealed as Lex Luthor's spy early on. Is a douche. As it turns out, he's a demi-android created through S.H.I.E.L.D. and Cadmus technology; designed to be so realistic that nobody could suspect him of being mechanical. Most of the plots revolve around him in some way. Dude.

  • ApocalypseDude:In Happy Hour, and Zero Hour.
  • Flat Character: His personality consists almost entirely of saying "Dude" and "Dude. Sucks" to passers-by. Invoked by Lex Luthor, as Lance was designed to be the last person anyone would ever want to talk to or suspect of anything intelligent.
  • MacGuffinDude: In every season.
  • Meaningful Name: As the Nick Furys eventually realise, Lance M. Donovan is a Life Model Decoy, a type of android from the Marvel Universe but enhanced with Project Cadmus technology from the DC Universe.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity
  • Verbal Tic: "Dude" and "Dude. Sucks."

Lars M. Dusseldorf

Dubbed "Lance 2.0", Lars serves as a replacement for Lance after he is teleported to Apokolips.

Luthor: Why did I make you this douchey, again?
Lars: That's funny, your mother asked me the same thing last night.

The Joker

The Green Goblin

  • Abusive Parent: His relationship with the (as-yet-unseen) Harry consists of them shouting insults at each other from different rooms. The sad thing is that this is a step up from some continuities. Here, it's Played for Laughs.

Fine, its your room! In fact we'll make it your own country! We'll call it Harrystan! Main import: Daddy's money! Main export: DISAPPOINTMENT!

    • Later:

Harry: Thats it, I'm going to Peters!

Norman: Oh, you mean the son I wish I had? TELL HIM TO COME OVER!

Harley Quinn

Dr. Doom

  • Evil Genius: Of course.
  • Enemy Mine: He gives Batman the handlink that ultimately leads to Luthor's defeat.
  • Out-Gambitted: By Luthor and the Joker during After Hours, and then again by Luthor in Zero Hour.
  • Worthy Opponent: Possibly Luthor. He does admit that he'll never defeat Lex unless he matches his technology.


  • A God Am I: Deconstructed, given that it's all in his head (since in reality he's just a comic book villain). He's still an extremely powerful being in-universe, however.
  • Big Bad: Very possibly of Zero Hour.
  • Eviler Than Thou: He vaporised The Joker.
  • Eye Beams: The Omega Beams.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: He doesn't realise that he's a fictional character. When the Joker gleefully tells him otherwise, he doesn't take it very well.
  • The Stinger: His appearance At the very end of Happy Hour.

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