< Hyperactive Metabolism
Hyperactive Metabolism/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character eats some food and is healed.
- Straight: Whenever Bob eats some food, his HP goes up.
- Exaggerated: The slightest crumb of bread will cause Bob to gain super-health beyond any normal mortal.
- Bob can eat 25 whales in 5 seconds to get more health.
- Downplayed: Whenever Bob eats some food, he gains stamina that is slowly converted to HP.
- Justified: Bob actually does have a Hyperactive Metabolism or some sort of divine powers that allow him to eat food and be healed.
- The food is somehow powerful and does indeed possess healing abilities.
- Inverted: Food is somehow hurtful, no matter what anyone might think.
- Alternately, forcing himself to throw up heals the character.
- Subverted: Bob attempts to eat something in the hope that this happens, but he is proved wrong.
- Double Subverted: ...but seconds later the food digests and he does get more health.
- Parodied: Adventurers spend their entire years scouring the lands for mysteriously-placed loaves of bread and milk in order to be safe for whatever adventures they go on.
- Deconstructed: Food is a high-priced medicine that is only used by professionals and is inaccessible by the average man.
- Reconstructed: people realize they can grow food in their back yards
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Food does not have any powers. Food is just food.
- Not only is food just food, eating it is a slow process like in real life.
- Enforced: The writer intends to spoof most RPG tropes and as such makes sure that he puts this in.
- Lampshaded: "Food can heal people?!?!"
- You eat the APPLE and are refreshed for 10HP. Don't ask me how; You just are."
- Invoked: Bob makes sure to eat all food because he's played many games where such logic applies.
- Defied: "Careful now, make sure the food is normal. We don't want the hero I'm fighting to be able to heal himself halfway through our fight for the kingdom."
- Discussed: "I don't care what happens in your stupid games, food does not instantly heal you, Bob."
- Conversed: "In my game, the food always heals people for no reason..."
- Played for laughs: "Five bucks says Bob can't eat Jimmy's Buffet out of business!" "No bet. I've seen him eat."
- Played for drama: People are starving because their insanely fast metabolism strip-mines their food and saves none of it as fatty tissue.
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