< Hunting the Unicorn
Hunting the Unicorn/YMMV
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: One of the Warblers mentions that "We all know Blaine's going to wait until domestic-partnership" to sleep with Kurt. It's hilarious until we find out Blaine lost his virginity at sixteen and deeply regrets it.
- Harsher in Hindsight: The reveal of "I Am Unicorn" scared the author quite a bit. And then the sparkly pink unicorn posters made her laugh.
- But it goes right back to heartbreaking in "The First Time," when Blaine's age got retconned to sixteen and he slept with Kurt. Six words: "I wish it was with you."
- The Warblers constantly complain that Blaine's hair-gel has soaked through his skull and given him brain damage. In "Nikos," Blaine gets a concussion and David panics because he doesn't want Blaine to get brain damage.
- Heartwarming in Hindsight: In Season 3 when Blaine visits Dalton after transferring to McKinley, Trent tells him "Once a Warbler, always a Warbler."
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Blaine, judging by some reviews.
When you crossposted this to another site, you added to the warning that "Don't count on there not being actual assault later on (physical or sexual)". So, umm, please don't make that stalker guy do anything TOO terrible to Blaine. He's broken enough already.
(You actually made me go Mama Bear over a character I usually hate OTL.)
- Relationship Sue: Deconstructed with Blaine, who really is the perfect boyfriend... because he's extremely lonely and thinks anything less will make Kurt leave.
- Tear Jerker: It has its own page now.
- Values Dissonance: Blaine's mom is largely responsible for his Knight in Shining Armor personality, which is explored quite thoroughly. She also completely fails to discuss sex properly with her kids.
- The Woobie: Kurt and Blaine, full stop. Blaine especially needs a hug, what with calling himself stupid, his Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality, and being so hopelessly in love with Kurt.
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