Hunter: The Vigil/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: It's very difficult for a Slasher character to not fall into this. Some do manage to avoid this however, becoming Jerkass Woobies or Woobie Destroyers Of Worlds, or even a particularly dark sort of Anti-Hero.
    • Hell, their homicidal urges can even be focused entirely on the Supernaturals, upholding the Vigil in a fairly beneficial manner (albeit with methods more fitting of a Serial Killer than a clean-cut Hunter...)
    • The rules state that any character who falls to 0 Morality (by committing an act of "utter perversion" such as mass murder and failing the resulting Degeneration roll, about a 50-50 chance) is such a monster they are literally unusable as a player character, driven only by base urges and completely and totally past the Moral Event Horizon.
    • The Hunt Club. They stand out even among their fellow slashers for being sadistic bastards.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The "Foie Gras" adventure hook. Those guys are humanitarians. Squick.
    • Actually, it's even worse. The leader of the cult who makes the stuff sells it in his restaurants. It's suggested that the Game Master make any poor sap who ate at one gain a temporary derangement due to the "UNCLEAN!" factor.
    • And it's even worse... you see that name? You know how they make foie gras? They pen up geese and force-feed them. These guys do it to children.
  • The Woobie: The Lucifuge are a Hunter example. They're probably the nicest group, despite their demonic ancestry, but no one really trusts them because of it. A meta-example would be the Changelings. In additon to their own crappy backstory, they're the most harmless monster in game...and the one that every single Hunter group distrusts. They're seen as liars, Body Snatchers, and evil doppelgangers of the people they've kidnapped, the exact opposite of what they really are. Some truly crazed Hunters actually think they're the vanguard of an alien invasion.
    • Crazed? Not quite. The Hunters are absolutely justified in their fears. Problem is, they've got the wrong target! The lying, bodysnatching, evil invading aliens are oh so very real, but they're the True Fae, not the Changelings. The Hunters mistake Changelings for some kind of mini-Gentry, instead of the (mostly) harmless refugees they really are. It's all just a big confusion, really.
      • Which mirrors the confusion Changelings themselves have in identifying True Fae Loyalists. Once you see a Changeling ravage your wife's mind in her dreams and invite the Wild Hunt to your street, you are to be expected to treat them, as a group, no better then bloodsuckers, shapeshifting human-eaters and witches.
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