You awake from uneasy dreams to find yourself transformed in your dank lair into a rather small, four-limbed fleshy thing. You're lying on your shell-less - as it were wholly unprotected - back, and when you lift your tiny head - unadorned with its usual sensory antennae - a little, you can see your pinkish belly, partly covered in soft, curling hairs, quite unlike the black bristles you're accustomed to seeing there. Your two - only two! - legs now jut from the end of your torso rather than up from around your abdomen. They look thick and ungainly in proportion to your body and lie there limply, making no attempt to right you on their own - only by actively concentrating can you move the things. What has *happened* to you?—Planescape: Torment, the "sheer bafflement" experience stored within the Sensorium