< Hulk (film)
Hulk (film)/YMMV
- Awesome Music: Danny Elfman's music played during the bellow-mentioned Moment of Awesome.
- Critical Dissonance: It's very interesting to view this in comparison to the 2008 The Incredible Hulk in how it was received. This film is generally considered long and boring by regular moviegoers, but the critics tended to like it for its focus on character pieces and big ideas over the violence and CGI. The '08 film had a greater amount of fans agreeing with the critics, but some lamented how the new film took away the big ideas to put in more action and typical comics stuff. Besides all of that information, both films did about the same at the box office.
- Fan Dumb: Many comics fans slam the movie out of hand, usually for the Hulk dogs, which came from the comics, or Bruce whining, because he was such an uptight stoic in the comics.
- Moment of Awesome: The Hulk's rampage after breaking free of the military base.
- Special Effects Failure: The Hulk himself is accused of being this because of his skin color. The Hulk Dogs didn't really fare well to begin with.
- The 2008 film addressed the skin color problem. But as consequence, made him shiny in some shots.
- True Art Is Angsty
- Uncanny Valley: Hulk's green CGI skin was completely opaque, which unsettled a lot of people.
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