How To Be a Cartoonish Supervillain
How-To Guide |
"And when [Mr. Burns] planned to steal our sunlight, he crossed that line between everyday villainy and cartoonish super-villany."—Smithers, The Simpsons.
So you want to become a Super Villain. Here's a handy guide to accomplishing this, in several easy steps!
- Plot to, and make an attempt to, deprive a population of a basic necessity, such as the sun, or the world.
- Have your plans foiled at least once by one or more of the following:
- A rag tag group of freedom fighters.
- a Do-Anything Robot
- A bunch of teenagers with attitude.
- A Farm Boy.
- Meddling Kids.
- A Talking Animal
- Anything remotely succeeding.
- Have a new plot every week for the aforementioned group(s) to foil.
- Have a theme or a gimmick; something as broad as "Mad Scientist who wants to Take Over the World/city/Tri-State Area" works if pursued with style and variety, but you really want to have a theme - ice and coldness, or riddles, for instance.
- Hate Goodness.
- Join the Republican party.
- Join the Democratic party.
- Join the Libertarian party.
- Join PETA. This is not meant to be a joke.
There is one thing you must never, ever do to be a true Cartoonish Supervillain:
- Succeed.
- This by no means you will fail at every step of your plan, because it's a well known fact that You Can't Thwart Stage One. You'll probably get rob the bank or build the Doomsday Device, and you usually get to escape when it goes pear-shaped. But beyond that, you're pretty much screwed. Don't forget to shake your fist, swear you'll be back and never re-use any of your old plans. It's all part of the Super Villain flair.
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