< How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for How I Met Your Mother, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be Zapped (wiki). Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.

Authors, and Websites

None Yet.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Every Line Speaks the Language of Love by mardia

  • Recommended by fiftysix
  • Summary: what none of them even dare to think out loud is this--we're doing this because this is going to be the last story Dad'll ever tell.
  • Comments: Alternate interpretation of the series, and simply oh-so-wonderful. It's full of heartwarming moments and tear-jerkers and you will end up believing that it's possible to happen in the series. You will hurt along with all the characters and it's so believable and heartbreaking and just. Just read it.

Not A Love Story by donutsandcoffee

  • Recommended by fiftysix
  • Summary: For those who have heard the story, mind you, without any background knowledge whatsoever—they may have concluded that it is actually a short story, the one that starts when the yellow umbrella comes into the picture. They are wrong.
  • Comments: Another alternate interpretation of the series, but goes down the angst way. And it's scary, because the story is so well-thought of and brilliantly executed it could be easily integrated into the series. You will hurt along with Luke and Leia Mosby. The story-telling is fresh in an anachronistic order and when you reach the last line you'll be really mind blown because it's so epic and apt and just.

As Fast As She Can by torigates

  • Recommended by dhoffryn
  • Synopsis: “I know that you’re tired of waiting, and you may have to wait a little more, but she’s on her way, Ted.” The story of the mother's path through her mid to late twenties, as she and Ted rush towards each other as fast as they can.
  • Comments: A vividly poignant vignette utterly different from anything else this troper has ever read. Written in the second person from the point of view of the unnamed mother as the events of her twenties unfold parallel to but significantly differently from Ted's, and her perspective on her life and what she wants out of it develops from carefree independent youthfulness to a fierce determination to return to college and take a leap into the unknown, not knowing that it will lead her to her future soulmate. It flips the viewers' perspective on it's head in a way that brilliantly reflects the show's recurring themes and narrative devices, casting Ted as the mysterious, undefined beacon of happiness and the mother as the struggling, self-reflective POV character. Written shortly after "The Leap" aired, and shows it. Will take your breath away at certain points, and echoes of "Right Place, Right Time" abound.

Water by idioticonion

  • Recommended by Pretzel Victim
  • Synopsis: Why Barney jumped into the Hudson River, and what happened thereafter. Barney/Ted friendship, hints of Barney/Robin, though not really a shipping fic.
  • Comments: Beautiful little ficlet explaining Barney's thought process during "Of Course", when he almost died throwing himself into the river after being propositioned by Anita. Barney's pain and self-loathing actually works perfectly as subtext for his canon behavior in the episode (and throughout season five), digging for some rhyme or reason to his shallow canon behavior. Barney's terror that no one cares about him, contrasted with Ted's motherly caretaking, is utterly heartwarming.

Alternate Universe Fics

Stories where one fundamental aspect of the series is completely overhauled from its point of origin.

The Break Up Service by donutsandcoffee

  • Recommended by fiftysix
  • Summary: In which Barney Stinson runs a 'No Sad, Big Smile' Break Up Service and loses hope for love forever. Then, he meets a bartender—Robin, and a couple—Marshall and Lily
  • Comments: Basing the story off a short commercial by Adidas, the author ran with the idea of having Barney own a breakup service. Superbly written, fun to read and the characters from the series are brought in a new, interesting way. There are details and real events that happened in the show, weaved expertly to fit into the AU. Just a two-shot, so should end soon. Highly recommended.

Faces Through The Veil Of Smoke by trolllogicfics

  • Recommended by sagittarius
  • Summary: It's a ghost story, except for all the ways it's not. Robin Scherbatsky meets and befriends Ted Mosby, who was recently left at the altar, and Marshall Eriksen, whose fiancee left him two years ago, and who are both still in mourning over the loss of one of their best friends. However, she also befriends a mysterious, wisecracking blond man whom only she seems to be able to see.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Metal Heart by the_spin

  • Recommended by Otempora
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin
  • Synopsis: Barney and Robin start a casual friends-with-benefits type relationship, which slowly turns into something more.
  • Comments: The dialog is perfect, the characterization is top-notch, the prose is achingly beautiful, and the slow progression of the relationship is completely believable. Barney and Robin settle into a loving relationship without ever losing their independence or cynicism. There is (quite a lot of) sexual content, but it fits the characters (and is REALLY hot).

Play it, Sam, but I forget how it goes by hyacinthian

  • Recommended by okelay
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin with some side of Ted/Robin
  • Synopsis: Short stories that go with every episode of the series, with either Barney or Robin's POV. follows canon, mostly.
  • Comments: It's a very simple idea but the execution is brilliant. it's sweet and funny and very in-character and a great companion to the series.

White by idioticonion

  • Recommended by moberemk
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin with some Ted/Stella
  • Synopsis: Barney's not the man he thought he was. An alternative look at the events from Miracles to Rabbit Or Duck..
  • Comments: An amazing idea that builds on the season three finale; to say anymore would be ruining it completely.

fool me once, fool me twice by hyacinthian

  • Recommended by moberemk
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin
  • Synopsis: Their official story, on the record, is that they don't have a story, but their non story spans months, years.
  • Comments: Starts at Season Five and looks at the progression of Barney and Robin's relationship through years as the gang grows up and apart, and does it while keeping the characters perfectly IC. Excellently written, and leaves just enough space to fill in blanks that you aren't feeling like you're being explained everything.

Lush Notes of Sherry, by rumidha

  • Recommended by darlingdarla
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin, allusions to past Ted/Barney and Ted/Robin
  • Synopsis: When Barney crashes at Ted's after successfully executing the Scuba Diver, talk turns to Robin, charades crumble, and Ted plays matchmaker. Once in a very great while, something good can happen after 2:00 AM after all. AU after 5.08, The Playbook.

The Legendary Five Way by attendat

  • Recommended by darlingdarla
  • Pairing: Ted/Marshall/Lily/Robin/Barney. Yes, you read that right.
  • Synopsis: Ted doesn't like to admit it (and he certainly will never admit it to his kids, Jesus Christ. He may be the king of the inter-generational over share, but some things cross the line from inherently dorky dad trying to prove he once approached cool right into someone should probably call the cops on that dude territory), but it perhaps, might have, maybe, been his idea first.

Desperation, parts one and two by idioticonion Recommended by dhoffryn

  • Pairing: Barney/Robin, Barney/Robin/Ted
  • Synopsis: "All he wants to do is to fix them. Ted can't stand to see them both in such pain, to see them both so out of sync that with every turn they shred each other's skin." As Robin continues without a job, she gets more and more depressed and she developed damaging behavior that she doesn't even bother to hide from her friends. When Barney tries to help her, Ted steps in to rescue them both. AU from Three Days of Snow, in which The Possimpible never happened.

That Time Barney and Robin Stopped a Zombie Apocalypse by Missy

  • Recommended by Wookiee
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin
  • Synopsis: "Kids, did I ever tell you about the time your Aunt Robin and your Uncle Barney saved the world from a zombie holocaust?"
  • Comments: If the summary doesn't explain why you must read this, I don't know what can. Robin is awesome, Barney is adorable, both of them are hilarious, genuine emotion is drawn out of the crackiness, and Future!Ted's wry narrative comments and asides are almost as great as the action itself.

Best Imitation of Myself by solojones

  • Recommended by Pretzel Victim
  • Pairing: Barney/Robin
  • Synopsis: Barney Stinson has always been good at putting on a show. But it's becoming harder and harder to hide his true feelings, and his true self, from Robin. AU after "The Front Porch."
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