Household Names
A Household Name is the term for a common work known in even the smallest of Small Reference Pools.
It may seem that a list of these would be the sort of thing that All The Tropes should have, but the truth is that it's not. What one person may perceive as the most common subject of conversation in the world may be seen as rampant Fan Myopia to anybody who hasn't heard of it (and yes, there's somebody who hasn't heard of it for everything). This list of Household Names already exists for each individual that visits this site: it's your household. Ask for names, and type them into that "Search All The tropes" box above this post. Use your browser's bookmark capability and mark down the ones you come back to the most.
Additionally, for some more narrow tropes we do already feature lists and indexes of this sort:
- The Oldest Ones in the Book, an index of the most universal and recurrent tropes.
- Iconic Logo, a trope for Household Brand Names.
- So Cool It's Awesome, a catch-all page for just listing shows you like, which would be the inevitable fate of any such page to aspire to listing "the most well-known" anything.
Incidentally, the term "Household Names" comes from William Shakespeare, making this trope Older Than Steam.