< House of Mouse

House of Mouse/YMMV

The House segments

  • Ear Worm: Boom, Da Boom, Boom Boom Da Boom! "Gram Gram used to say that?"
  • Funny Moments: "We now return to The Lame and the Whiny!"
    • After one of Pete's failed attempts at taking over the club, he's forced to clean the place up. As he's scrubbing the floors dressed in Cinderella's "maid" outfit, Lady Tremaine (Cinderella's stepmother) appears behind him, looming over him with that same smug grin she uses when she makes her stepdaughter miserable. Pete is creeped out as she's doing this, and nervously laughs as he tells her to quit staring at him.
  • Ho Yay: At the start of the Valentine's Day episode, Pumbaa, taking Mickey's "grab your sweetie and give 'em a smooch" line seriously, puckers his lips, but Timon tells him, "Don't even think about it!"
  • Magnificent Bastard: The Phantom Blot.
  • Memetic Mutation / Memetic Badass: This show may have originated the "No One (Verbs The Noun) Like Gaston!" meme.
    • "Nobody breaks his leg like Gaston!"
    • "Nobody orders decaf like Gaston!"
    • "Nobody makes faces in spoons like Gaston!"
      • Timon: "Actually, no one asked the opinion of Gaston."
  • Nightmare Fuel: Pluto being buried alive by Minnie in "Minnie Takes Care of Pluto".
    • Huey, Dewey, and Louie fooling Donald into thinking they're zombies in Donald's Halloween Scare.
    • The Donald's Goofy World short. It has Donald dreaming that everyone in the entire world have turned into copies of Goofy up to and including Donald himself. It's creepier than it sounds.
    • And the Organ Donors short, where Mickey, Donald, and Goofy donate pipe organs, but they get called by a creepy toymaker who wants to steal Mickey's heart to bring a giant doll to life.
    • Dennis the Duck pretty much committing suicide with a giant eraser. And this is played for laughs.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Mickey's House of Villains - The advertised plot of the villains taking over the House takes a back seat to the cartoon shorts contained within. Then at the end, Mickey and Jafar have an anticlimactic battle which results in all the other villains fleeing in terror simply because Mickey's figured out Jafar's weakness.
    • And it took 3/4 of the movie to even get to the takeover, with it just sometimes cutting over to their table with Jafar reminding everyone to wait for midnight.
  • Villain Decay: Chernabog...afraid of the dark.
    • In House of Villains, after taking over the villains just show two shorts that are scarier than the ones Mickey used.
  • The Woobie: Dennis the Duck when Donald says that he "doesn't think he's funny". Since he idolizes Donald and being funny is literally his reason for living, he's sent into a suicidal Heroic BSOD. Don't worry, he gets better.

The Mouseworks shorts

  • Non Sequitur Scene: The aforementioned CGI scene from "computer.don".
    • What about in "Locksmiths" when Goofy names all the types of keys on his keychain.
  • Foe Yay: Happens when Mickey accidentally sends Mortimer a sweet fax that was meant for Minnie.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: "Mickey's April Fool" has Mickey faking his own death as his prank on Mortimer. It's made into this when you take into account that Wayne Allwine (Mickey's voice at the time) is now dead.
    • Arguably counts for the Phantom Blot in the episode he became "The Phantom Rainbow", as he makes his first appearance in a video game, the game involves running colors but it's more... grim, in comparison.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One Von Drake short has the professor invent a bathtub teleporter.
  • Magnificent Bastard: The Phantom Blot.
  • Villain Decay: Not Pete for once, no, this position goes to the Phantom Blot, who went from an eponymous mastermind, to someone who was tired of his old cloak because it had no color. Although he arguably gets his stride back in his third appearance in House of Mouse.
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