< House of Anubis

House of Anubis/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: When they found out that the show would be getting a second season.
  • Base Breaker: Nina and Joy. The fanbase is pretty divided with a significant portion really hating Joy and quite a few Nina-haters as well. Most of the fans are still Fabina though.
  • Chewing the Scenery | Narm: The acting on this show isn't really the best, we'll leave it at that.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Patricia apologizing to Nina, followed by Nina responding that she forgives Patricia, as Nina understands that Patricia acted the way she did only because she was worried about Joy.
    • Alfie returning Amber's dress after Jerome pulled a prank on her by stealing it.
  • Complete Monster: Rufus.
  • Holy Shit Quotient: We all expected mythical and downright strange things to happen as our heroes slowly solve the mysteries, as well as drama. But when Nina falls down a very long pit because of Season 2's mysterious spirit, ending on a cliffhanger... well...
    • Granted it turned out to be All Just a Dream, but it was still such a shock.
      • More of a Dreaming of Things to Come because it was actually supposed to happen and if it wasn't for Fabian, it WOULD have happened.
      • It might be safe to say that Season 2 took a level in this when compared to Season 1. We have Senkhara's Reality Warper powers, the first actual on-screen death for Rufus, the Nightmare Fuel as mentioned above...
  • I Knew It!: A lot of viewers caught on that Rufus was The Collector before The Reveal.
  • Nightmare Fuel: In one of Senkhara's dream visits, she possesses Nina's sickly grandmother, who shows COMPLETELY black eyes. No irises, no pupils, no nothing but black. It's considerably creepy to look at.
  • Snark Bait - A few delusional people out there believe the show is Illuminati influenced.
  • The Woobie: Definitely Nina after Sarah dies in House of Victory
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