Hope Floats

Hope Floats is a 1998 romantic drama film, directed by Forrest Whittaker. The main stars were Sandra Bullock, Harry Connick, Jr, Gena Rowlands and child actress Mae Whitman.

The film stars with Chicago housewife Birdee Pruitt (Bullock) accepting an invitation to a talk show, supposedly to receive a makeover. Actually she is there to have her husband Bill (Michael Paré) publicly announce the end of their relationship. He is leaving her for her best friend Connie. Humiliated on national television and with nothing keeping her in Chicago, Birdee takes her young daughter Bernice and moves to her hometown of Smithville, Texas. She has to reconcile herself with her estranged mother Ramona Calvert (Rowlands) and start working for a living.

She has further problems with getting accepted by the locals. Birdee used to be the Alpha Bitch in high school, a three times beauty pageant winner and one of the few of her contemporaries who managed to make it outside the small time. Several people have held long-time grudges for her, have seen her broadcasted public humiliation and don't miss a chance to rub it in her face. The exception is Justin Matisse (Connick), a former classmate who remembers her fondly. There is a growing mutual attraction between them. Unfortunately, Bernice is a Daddy's Girl and blames her mother for taking her away from her father. She sabotages any attempts Bernice makes to start dating again. Until realizing that her father no longer cares about her.

The film was a modest box office hit. It had a a relatively small budget and a worldwide gross of about 81,500,000 dollars. About 60 million of those dollars came from the United States market, where it was the 35th most successful film of its year. Critically, however, the film received mixed reviews. Critics point to it having strong opening scenes, a serious subject matter, decent performances and occasional witty dialogue, but the new romance being predictable and formulaic at best, the second part of the film being overly saccharine and rather dull. The film did earn a number of awards for its creators, including "Lone Star Film & Television Awards" for both Bullock and Rowlands, and a "Young Artist Award" for Whitman.

Tropes used in Hope Floats include:
  • Alpha Bitch: Birdee in her younger years.
  • Breakaway Country Hit: Garth Brooks' cover of Bob Dylan's "To Make You Feel My Love".
  • Chick Flick: Obviously.
  • Daddy Didn't Show: Bill, the guy who leaves Sandra Bullock's character Birdie for another woman and dumped her on live television comes back. Birdie is, of course, leery, but their daughter Bernice, who absolutely hates her mother and idolizes her father, prepares to leave with him. If you're not crying after what Bill does next (basically leaving her crying on the side of the road), you aren't human.
  • Daddy's Girl: Bernice until daddy abandons her.
  • Disposable Fiance: Bill fits this role, though as a Disposable Husband.
  • Embarrassing Middle Name: Even after accepting Justin as a possible stepfather, Bernice is against taking his family name. She feels Bernice Matisse would be incredibly embarrassing.
  • Hot Mom: Birdee Pruitt.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Bernice tends towards this.
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