Honey Crush

Mitsu is a Dojikko with a huge crush on fellow schoolgirl Madoka, so much so that she's been secretly stalking her. One day she finally gets the nerve to talk to Madoka but gets hit by a bus and dies while carelessly rushing towards her.
Poor Mitsu is now a ghost and no humans including Madoka can see her. However, now she can go back to being a Stalker with a Crush and with her new powers, become an even better one to boot! Heck, with her new powers she can now drive off anyone who comes too close to her beloved Madoka!
All goes swimmingly until New Transfer Student and Schoolgirl Lesbian Kyouko appears. Kyouko was a childhood friend of Madoka and wants to fulfill the Childhood Marriage Promise the two shared. Mitsu has even more to worry about as Kyouko has the ability to see ghosts!
Honey Crush is a recently finished Manga by Asu Tsubaki, who is perhaps better known as the artist of He Is My Master. Serialized in Yuri Hime S, the work is an irreverent and comedic mixture of Girls Love with the supernatural.
- Bifauxnen: Kyouko when she was younger.
- Bury Your Lesbians: Mitsu, although that doesn't preclude a happy ending for her.
- Bittersweet Ending: Kyouko and Mitsu finally admit their feelings for each other, which causes Mitsu to go to heaven and Kyouko to remain behind... Alone and in tears... "Memories of the little lady will never be forgotten..." indeed.
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Between Kyouko and Madoka.
- Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends: Inverted as two of the loose ends are the Official Couple.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Mitsu
- Cute Ghost Girl: Mitsu
- Determinator: Mitsu, not even death stops her!
- The Ditz: Madoka
- Dropped A Bridget On Her: Madoka always assumed Kyouko was a boy in their childhood.
- Gayngst: Mostly either subverted or used comedically.
- Go Into the Light: Two Mikos try to convince Mitsu to do this, other for profit, other for... just because(?). It sets up Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when Kyouko saves Mitsu from two.
- Go Out with a Smile: Mitsu does this when she finally goes to heaven after admitting her love for Kyouko.
- Ghostly Possession: Mitsu does this accidentally to Yamada.
- I See Dead People
- Loners Are Freaks: Played with. Kyouko can see and speak to ghosts, and other people think she is a freak thanks to that and keep their distance. Which leads to Kyouko talking to ghosts to have company...
- New Transfer Student
- Nosebleed: Mitsu has one despite being a ghost.
- One Head Taller: Mitsu and Kyouko.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Power Floats
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Mitsu and Kyouko.
- Shallow Love Interest: Madoka, despite being introduced on the first page, has since received little to no characterization (except for a narrow-mindedness regarding gender that is unforgivable in a yuri story).
- Sleep Cute: Subverted and played for comedy.
- Stalker with a Crush: Mitsu by quite a bit.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Kyouko and Mitsu.
- Tsundere: Mitsu towards Kyouko.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Kyouko along with many moments of Ship Sinking.
- Unfinished Business: The reason why ghosts are unable to move on.
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Yamada
- Weirdness Censor: Yamada in particular.
- You Can See Me?
- Youkai: Of Zashiki-warashi type. Kyouko has one in her house, altough why she is there is never really explained. Mitsu doesn't like her at first. Also Token Mini-Moe.