< Homunculus (manga)

Homunculus (manga)/YMMV

  • Fetish Fuel: Between the sexual imagery of the gaping wound and the fact that Nakoshi and Yukari are doing it in the middle of sex anyway, it really can't be helped if you start getting turned on by blood-sucking.
    • At least somebody out there got turned on by Nakoshi jacking off and eating his own jizz.
  • Freud Was Right: When you see things like an image of a woman with a locked safe for a crotch, what else are you supposed to think?
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Many of the homunculi shapes.
  • Ho Yay: Nakoshi and Itoh.
  • Nausea Fuel
  • Squick: Nakoshi eating his own semen, and Yukari drinking her blood.
    • Later on, when Nakoshi does his own trepenation, and sticks his finger in the newly formed hole, all in a public toilet!
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