< Homefront (video game)

Homefront (video game)/Nightmare Fuel

It's a game about war, so there's bound to be some sort of nightmare fuel involved. Home Front takes it Serial Escalation.

  • The opening level has you forcibly conscripted into the Korean People's Army and then put on a bus where you're forced to drive past the KPA cracking down on what appears to be a public school. Children are separated from their family at gunpoint and parents are gunned down in front of their children while people are packed off for transport to labor camps.
  • A neighborhood of Americans tries to drive you out, afraid you're going to draw the KPA down on them. After you agree to leave and do so peacefully, the KPA rolls in and starts randomly butchering civilians.
  • The re-education camp is horrific enough by itself, showing children re-indoctrinated and semi-brainwashed people staring vacantly forward. Only for it to become much much much worse when you see the KPA has killed all of its prisoners and dumped them into a mass grave.
    • Hell, the mass grave period. You have to hide amongst the bodies in order to escape the KPA.
  • If the mass graves weren't bad enough. Once players stumbled upon the Crazy Survivalist camp later in the game, prepare to see lynched Korean soldiers, rotting heads on a pike, and impaled prisoners ala Vlad The Impaler. just to name a few.
  • Three words: White Phosphorous Misfire.
    • To elaborate, everything was going just fine out in front of the abandoned computer store turned fuel depot, the first volley of White Phosphorus was burning the Korean soldiers alive, and all was fine... at least until Hopper yells "Oh $h1t! MISFIRE! MISFIRE!". You then look up and see all of those missiles coming towards you. You and Rhianna jump off the roof, narrowly missing the blast, and now you, barely clinging to life, have to run past your slowly burning colleagues and a ton of fire, all the while Hopper is pleading to you that he is sorry about the misfire. It's terrifying, no matter how many times you'll play it.
  • The aftermath of the slaughter of the Rebel homebase. It's especially horrific because while Boone's body is held up as an example for the rebels, the base was explicitly shown to have a large number of children hiding there. Their bodies are shown in enough anounts to show they were massacred in addition to the rebels.
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