< Hollyoaks

Hollyoaks/Tear Jerker

It is Hollyoaks after all.

  • During a fire at The Dog in The Pond, Joe Spencer saved both Zoe and and Kris, before going back to help Olivia. Zoe rings his mobile to check that he's okay, and they hear it ring. Kris remarks that 'People like Joe are just born lucky' right before they realize the ringing is coming from a body bag.
  • Hannah's friend Melissa dying in hospital from anorexia. Melissa wasn't the nicest of people, but it's heart wrenching watching Hannah put on her make up for her, because she's just too weak to.
  • Tina dying in Dom's arms after the church explosion, her last words begging him for forgiveness after cheating on him and breaking his heart.
    • Mercedes, John Paul, and Carmel volunteering their lives in said incident to both protect Tina, a mother, and Michaela, the youngest.
  • Max dies on his wedding day by running out into the road to protect his little brother Tom.
  • Mike Barnes being told of eldest daughter Sarah's death, in The Stinger of the episode. No dialogue, just the silent shot of Mike breaking down as he realises what happened.
  • The Costellos reactions to finding out their mum had died.
  • Nancy losing her baby is one hell of a Tear Jerker storyline.

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