< Hogwarts Exposed Timeline

Hogwarts Exposed Timeline/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Hermione is resurrected in Update 500
  • Idiot Plot: While having an interesting premise, there are many, many, many leaps on logic, for both the Wizards and Muggles (from negating too easy to accepting too easy that magic is real), insane goverment decisions, idiotic plots of the Villains and just plain hack plot to be able to enjoy it.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Voldemort. Creating (or trying) to create a Worldwar III by eradicating London from the face of Earth by Nuke and causing a race genocide.
  • Nobody Ever Complained Before: Erasing people memories, bugging lines of comunication, National censure, bartering, kidnapping, putting in danger innocents (Darwizards) and obstruction of the law. Oh and even the United State president is okay with this. Try to compare it with the scandal of the FBI in the 60's for abuse of power for reference.
  • Stupidity Is the Only Option
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