Hockey Mask and Chainsaw


Common reference of a Slasher Flick serial killer: a big guy wielding chainsaw and wearing a hockey mask. Enormously common in parodies and tributes of the genre.

This is largely a Composite Character between two of the most famous Slasher Flicks killers: Jason of Friday the 13 th and Leatherface of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

While it might seem like a case of Did Not Do the Research, even the people who know a lot about horror films use this trope, so that's not the case. It's just as likely just a of Captain Ersatz of Serial Slasher, since none of them are in the public domain.

Examples of Hockey Mask and Chainsaw include:

Anime & Manga

  • Irresponsible Captain Tylor has a marine named Jason who wears a hockey mask and uses a chainsaw as his Weapon of Choice. He also tends to be blamed whenever something breaks and there's a Running Gag regarding him always being sick on Fridays.
  • During the first part of the manga and Season 0 from Yu-Gi-Oh!, Kaiba forces Yoey (Yonouchi) to fight to the death with a serial killer known as "Chopman". The guys is a mountain of muscles with a leather-mask and prone to use sharp and big weapons, particularly, chainsaws. Images: .

Comic Books

  • A Sunday strip from Bloom County once showed Bill the Cat in an old horror movie, in which he is pursued by a maniac wielding a chainsaw and wearing a hockey mask.


  • In The Eighties remake of The Blob, a horror film is shown in a theater, and the killer in the Show Within a Show wears a red hockey mask and uses a chainsaw.
  • Seen on Clark Griswold in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. He's wearing the mask for safety reasons while he uses the saw to shorten the ridiculously large Christmas tree, but the reference is obvious.
  • The notorious Friday the 13 th rip-off Bloody Murder has a villain who uses this combination.

Live Action TV

  • In an episode of Charmed, Phoebe was tormented by a recurring nightmare about a chainsaw-wielding murderer wearing a hockey mask. She thought it was a manifestation of Cole. It turned out that it stood for a metaphor of her self-harming behavior.



  • A Sergio Aragones strip in Mad Magazine has a bunch of hockey-playing kids inviting a man with a hockey mask and a duffel bag to play with them. He reaches into his duffel bag and pulls out a chainsaw.


  • At one of his concerts Eminem appeared while wearing denim salopettes and a hockey mask, and wielding a chainsaw.

Theme Parks

Video Games

  • When Edgar uses the chainsaw weapon in Final Fantasy VI, he has a random chance of doing an instant kill attack, which also changes the attach sprite to him wearing a hockey mask.
  • Vincent Valentine's Hell Masker Limit Break in Final Fantasy VII.
  • House of the Dead has the Strength boss.
  • In Persona2, an optional boss in Eternal Punishment is a Stalker with a Crush who wears a hockey mask and chainsaw.
  • One of the enemies in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin sports this ensemble.
  • In Splatterhouse, Rick wears a hockey mask and can sometimes use a chainsaw. In sequels, the mask was redesigned to look more like a skull, but the similarities to Jason's signature mask were still pretty apparent.
  • The Chainsaw Maniacs from Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
  • Subtly done in Dead Island. There's a non-zombie enemy who is clearly supposed to be Jason, with a hockey mask and machete, beefed up health and one hit kills. In his house, you can find a unique Chainsaw, among some other horror references.
  • The second boss in Double Dragon II for the Game Boy (a different game from the arcade and NES versions subtitled The Revenge).

Web Comics

Web Original

  • One of the homicidal sprites in Kid Radd fit this description.

Western Animation

  • When Bart Simpson is threatened with death by Sideshow Bob the family gets put in Witness Protection. Bart is in his room trying to go to sleep when an unknown person bursts in screaming, wearing a hockey mask and weilding a chainsaw.


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