History of Power Rangers/WMG
Teaser/analysis guessing platform for future episodes
- Something regarding Bridge's over-analysis.
- "No one gets inside our circle!"
- The "you'd be psyched to be the Pink Ranger" bit, which he mentioned in the commentary for his Power Rangers Zeo comic review.
- I think in the teaser he'll show that scene from RIC where the Monster of the Week presents Grumm slime and Linkara voices in a pitch that it'll make his bones sheen.
- Sadly Jossed, though he did use the "you'd be psyched to be the Pink Ranger" thing as The Stinger.
- Mystic Force
- Linkara getting in on the whole "Who's Madison?" trend.
- Commenting that Nick looks nothing like either of his parents and offhandedly saying that he looks more like Daggeron before realizing the Unfortunate Implications and quickly changing the subject.
- Operation Overdrive
- The Strange Minds Think Alike scene from "Once a Ranger".
- The scene where Mac shows up to a fight wearing various 'good luck' items from his team mates over his suit and getting run over by a boulder out of nowhere.
- Jungle Fury
- I think that the theme of the season will be about putting our faith in others which after giving it thought happened a lot in the series.
- One of RJ's early training sessions.
- Starting off snarky after emerging from "the Kalish era" on this big new series, only to see the doom, death and HSQ clips, saying finally, "OK, that's interesting. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Power Rangers RPM!" (Kinda in the style he did Time Force which he had great respect for as a "very good series.")
- The first few minutes of "Ranger Blue".
- Or the beginning of "Ranger Yellow, Part 1".
- I think except for Dr. K he'll go over the character episodes when he analyzes the rangers and their character development at the end of the episode, though he'll go over plot points from those episodes such as new zords.
- Linkara will go on a tangent like he did in Turbo about the zords being animal/vehicle hybrids.
- Samurai
- The fight with Negatron
- Linkara keeps referring to Decker as Cole.
- On that note: calling Mentor Ji, Grumm.
- Keeps referring to Xandred's medicine as booze.
At some point Saban or someone high up will find and watch the videos and like them enough to name a future ranger after Linkara.
- This is just something that I've had in my head for a while and it would be nice.
A list of Lewis's favorite Power Rangers Series.
Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Here's my guesses on what are his current favorite series's. Will be updated as more reviews come out. Feel free to post your own speculations below. -Eric W
1.PowerRangersInSpace (He stated this was his favorite season in the time force review with strong villains, a theme on the nature of evil, memorable fights, a superb ending and all around more epic than the seasons before it)
2.PowerRangersDinoThunder (A recommended series. Despite bad payoff over so many different ideas, and some anticlimactic final battles, there are good characters all around both good and evil, mostly fantastic action, and good humor.)
3.PowerRangersTimeForce (Despite being overblown by the fans and oodles of time travel plot holes, there are good villains, great acting, strong action, time travel themes, and almost all the characters are interesting)
4.PowerRangersSPD (A recommended series, with good character development, storylining, and villains... but not all characters got the development, and a decent bit of time was devoted to discussing technical problems)
5.MightyMorphinPowerRangers (despite nostalgia value, too many fillers to place it any higher)
6.PowerRangersLostGalaxy (for strong themes and character development as well as a mostly solid story after it got going)
7.PowerRangersZeo (uncertain about this, but overall didn't seem to leave as much of an impression on him compared to many other seasons)
8.PowerRangersWildForce (underrated with excellent team ups and complex villains, but with a very iffy story)
9.PowerRangersLightspeedRescue (decent with good characters, zords and a different feel, but no good villains)
10.PowerRangersNinjaStorm (A "flawed" series that is great when good, awful when bad, and has only one good villain out of a much larger stand alone evil group)
11.PowerRangersTurbo (in his opinion, the worst season ever with a destruction of the old order in a horrible way with a stupid archenemy and no easily identifiable theme)
- I would switch Zeo and Wild Force due to him speaking generally positive of Wild Force at the end and with no noted positivity or negativity towards Zeo. Although I could be biased as a Wild Force Fan.
He'll like one of the Kalish-era series much more than the fan base does.
- Probably Jungle Fury, since it does have some parallels to Power Rangers Wild Force (his current choice for most underrated season), has one of the better theme songs of the Kalish-era, and there are fans who regard this series as finally starting to make a comeback.
- All good points. Plus it has the first Violet Ranger, and partially deconstructs the Rookie Red Ranger trope with Casey and his insecurities about being the leader yet also the least experienced Ranger. Plus there's Fran.
- Confirmed, he liked SPD, though granted that was already by far the least-hated and most-liked Kalish season.
He'll come up with his own "Once a Ranger" team, and it won't be the same as the one that was used.
- We'll have a better idea of who he'd replace when we get there.
- Of course, we can speculate... Its likely that Carter is going to replace Bridge as the team's Red, and either Jen or Katie taking a Girl spot of the team. T.J. might be put in as the Blue Ranger, Adam kept as the Black Ranger, and possibly Karone as the pink (for weirdness factor) or Kat/Tanya (replace with whether he picks Katie or Jen respectively). Or for comedy reasons, Green Ranger Tommy, White Ranger Tommy, Zeo Ranger 5, Red Turbo Tommy, and Dino Thunder Tommy.
Once he reaches all seasons, we'll get a retrospective series where he counts down favorite Rangers, episodes, storylines, etc.
Basically, like an epilogue to the series, of sorts.
- And some of the components will include best season, most underrated season, best fight, best stand alone season, coolest costumes, best villains, best character, worst (insert thing here).
Power Rangers and Lord of the Rings
- Linkara will point out how Spencer in OO was Butterbur in the Fellowship and in RPM Dr. K's actress showed up in The Two Towers. Hopefully he'll find someone who was in Return of the King.
- He'll also point out how Master Mao in Jungle Fury had a supporting role in the latter two Matrix movies. Why? Rule of Nerd.
He won't like RPM
- Citing the Darker and Edgier plot, and the season's Lampshade Hanging on some of the clichés that the show uses.
- But, on the other hand, he doesn't exactly have a problem with Darker and Edgier as two of his favorite seasons are In Space and Time Force which are certainly darker than the average season. What's important to him is that the story makes sense, moves logically at a good pace, and has good characters. As for the Lampshade Hanging, that might be something he's not as fond of, since that kind of humor is kinda similar to Ninja Storm which he didn't like as much. Regardless, I expect him in talking about Power Rangers RPM to bring up Power Rangers Turbo and compare them on whether or not they're any different in adding silly material to a serious story.