High School Big Shot

High School Big Shot is a 1950s movie about a high school senior named Marvin. Although his father's an (ex-)drunk "between jobs" and he has to work as a shipping clerk after school to feed both of them, he's doing well in his classes, and he's on track to get a college scholarship. Of course, jocks like Vince bully him for making them look stupid -- but Vince's girlfriend told him to back off, and is actually showing interest in him. Somehow, life seems fairly good for Marv, all things considered...

What's that, Betty? Write a report on Shakespeare for you so you don't fail English? Sure! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!

The next thing Marv knows, his teacher scuttled any hope of that scholarship after catching their scheme, Betty "let him down easily", his dad's lost another job, and the only ray of hope he has is the million dollars of drug money that he accidentally overheard his boss plan to leave in the warehouse safe overnight prior to a deal with The Syndicate. Surely if he had that money, he could take care of his dad, pay his own way to college, and Betty would like him again! And the brother of the neighborhood liquor store owner's a safecracker...

And Marv puts together plans for a Caper. It doesn't work out, as you can guess in movies like this.

For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.

Tropes used in High School Big Shot include:

Dad: "Betty Alexander? She's the hottest chick in the whole school. What's she doing going out with you?"

  • Lovable Rogue: Harry March the safecracker and Sam Tallman the liquor store owner/muscle. Mike's response to a non-sequitur scene of the two bantering is "I like this new movie better!" Marv seems to hit it off with them, too.
  • Love Makes You Stupid: "If I steal from the mob, she'll love me!"
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Observed in the breach -- Marv explains his plan for the caper to be finished before the Mob arrives for the money. They don't make it on time because of traffic and a late ferryboat; fortunately for them, the mobsters had the same problem.
    • Unfortunately for them, this seems to have given Vince time to get there and cut off their escape.
  • What Have I Done: Vince wasn't as prepared to kill as he thought he was when he tries stealing the money from Marv; he takes out his stress on Betty when she shows up.
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