< High-Class Glass

High-Class Glass/Playing With

Basic Trope: Moneyed, sophisticated characters wear monocles.

  • Straight: Humphrey the Non-Idle Rich wears a monocle.
  • Exaggerated: Humphrey is so rich that he wears two monocles, one on each eye. His father, who is even more rich, wears three.
  • Justified: Humphrey's monocle is actually a hi-tech appliance that is bulletproof, increases his visual acuity, and has a wi-fi connection. It's so expensive that he is one of the few that can afford it.
    • Alternatively: Humphrey needs vision correction in only one eye.
  • Inverted: Humphrey's poor servant Helena wears a monocle, and Humphrey does not.
  • Subverted: People think that Humphrey is rich because of his monocle, but he is actually a middle class slob.
  • Double Subverted: Later it is revealed that Humphrey is secretly a millionaire.
  • Parodied: Only Humphrey is of great enough status to wear a monocle, and with his riches he hires a task force to punish anyone else that dares to wear one.
  • Zig Zagged: Humphrey doesn't wear a monocle despite being a prince. But his father does. But so does his wife, who is a villager. But his mother doesn't, even though she is a noblewoman.
  • Averted: No one wears monocles.
  • Enforced: "Hey, he doesn't look as elegant as he should... how about if we add a monocle?"
  • Lampshaded: "You are so elegant, it's no doubt why you wear that monocle."
  • Invoked: No one takes Humphrey seriously, so he wears a monocle to look like a noble.
  • Defied: "Do you think that just because I'm a noble, I have to wear a monocle?"

Back to High-Class Glass, if you're rich enough.

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