Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?, aka HAWP, is a video series by Destructoid hosted on Gametrailers.

It is presented in short episodes, usually only a few minutes long. Any given episode typically begins with Ashly's older brother, Anthony, asking his sister what game she's currently playing, whereupon she responds and the siblings (and sometimes their friends) conduct a skit/parody of said game. Said skit can consist of her acting as the game's characters, putting herself into the game's situation and acting completely unlike the characters (she'd rather play Connect Four with herself than fight the horde) or even just sitting and yelling at the game while she plays it.

Tropes used in Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? include:
  • Exact Words: When a fan asked them to cosplay Sakura, they weren't specific on which one of them had to dress up.
  • Fake Band: A literal one in the Rock Band episode, moreso by the fact that they don't even own Rock Band, but rather incompatible series of instruments from different Music Games
  • Fan Disservice: Street Fighter IV
  • Gamer Chick: Ashly again.
  • George Jetson Job Security: Each Gearbox Software episode ends with Anthony getting fired for Ash's misdeeds, including leaking info to Kotaku, announcing free blow jobs, and punching the CEO of Gearbox in the balls.
  • Groin Attack: Papa Burch shoots Anthony below the belt in the Red Dead Redemption episode.
  • I Was Told There Would Be Fuddruckers
  • Jerkass: Ashly, to some extent. Papa Burch is somewhat one, but is still a Badass either way.
  • Missing Mom: In a way. Mama Burch is just camera shy.
    • Averted in "Cooking Mama"... and what a way to make an entrance.
  • Motor Mouth: Ashly, moreso in Season Two.
  • Name's the Same: Ashly (Burch) and Ashley Davis, who does Once Upon a Pixel. Anthony is now married to Ashley Davis, but this didn't stop Ashly (his sister) from making incest jokes.
    • In the Season 3 finale, Anthony gets letters threatening Ash, so they agree to work together. Except he was protecting the wrong Ashley. This can be easily explained by the fact that Anthony could easily have assumed "Ashley" was a misspelling of his sister's name, and there are a lot more reasons for someone to try and kill Ash than his wife.
  • Nintendo Hard: this episode includes a parody of this about Atlus.

"I never beat Trauma Center!"
"Nobody did, it's a f***in' Atlus game."

Papa Burch: Fuck.

Anthony: Hey Ash, watcha playin'?
Ashly: Twauma Centah

Anthony: Ash, what the hell are you doing?
Ashly: [Sticking a fork into a plug socket] INNNFAMOUS!

Anthony: NO!!

Ashly: You're too late! Enjoy the poop!

Anthony: ...This is your room.

Ashly: ...NOOOOOOO-

(Cut to the credits screen))

  • Your Head Asplode:
    • '1 vs. 100'.
    • 'Uncharted 2'
    • Ashly purposely invokes this in the season 2 finale. Twice.
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