Hewy's Animated Movie Reviews

Hewy Lewis Toonmore, a.k.a. Logan Ridenbaugh, gives his thoughts on animated films sometimes aided by a guest reviewer. For more recent movies, he explains the premise of the show without spoiling the ending. Older movies like animated movies generally have much longer reviews. Each movie gets a rating out of five stars, although the lowest score he has given is just one star.

A member of the Mr. Coat and Friends crowd.

Tropes used in Hewy's Animated Movie Reviews include:

Hewy: Well, I've already had a giant request a film for me to review.

Hewy: This is Digit, an evil scientist from a parallel universe. (coughs "ripoff")
Digit: Sore throat, I presume.

    • In the Cars 2 review, Hewy says he hasn't seen the spy perspective before. Then, he coughs up a bunch of counterexamples.
  • The Faceless: Count Sigeeyai, even after The Reveal. Of course, his "mask" could actually be his real face since he's animated.
  • The Remake: The list of Top 10 Scariest Animated Monsters was remade into a Top 13 list.
  • Rule of Three: Hewy reviews Toy Story 3 for the third episode of his third season.
  • Scary Flashlight Face: Hewy does his review of Coraline with a flashlight face to set the tone.
  • Shout-Out:
    • First there's his name Hewy Lewis Toonmore and his first title sequence involves a montage of animated movies set to "Back in Time." And then there's this line from the second theme song:

"Here comes Hewy gonna give you the news: / Time to watch his animated movie reviews."

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