< Hetalia Bloodbath 2010

Hetalia Bloodbath 2010/YMMV

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Iceland with his adorably awkward moeness and bishounen-ness. The generous amount of Ship Tease with Turkey and Germany only serves to emphasize this further.
  • Epileptic Trees: Everyone's OTP is canon in an Alternate Universe.
    • Sealand beat the shadow, which nearly every other nation lost to.
    • The topic of nations being recognized as such by normal humans and exactly what abilities or unique traits that nations have, if any, has been touched on a couple times during the course of the event, but never directly addressed. A newscaster reports on the disappearance of 'those people' which seems to imply that this fact is common knowledge, at least to certain members of society.
      • Then again, the latter could also suggest that while a good deal of people may know of them as important figures of some sort, the real truth of their existence is kept a secret. Or alternately, the public is in on the whole story in some fashion but prefer not to talk about it much.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • Workbitch Bartholomew for England’s assistant AKA Howard’s grandson.
      • As well as his brother, Assbitch, the random guy that checking out parallel!Spain's ass.
    • Epicstonia.
    • Many labels were applied to the mysterious shadow stalking the nations including Waldo!France, Robot!France, and Slender Man, among others.
  • Fountain of Memes
  • Holy Shit Quotient: Just keeps rising as the event goes on and things keep getting more and more absurd and/or awesome.
  • It Gets Better: During the live event, updates were slow and only provided snippets of progress in the storyline. It takes about four pages for the real action to ramp up.
  • Memetic Molester: The mysterious figure that is obviously France. He wasn't.
  • Narm Charm: Germany's face as he watches Prussia get taken away.
    • Cuba's declaration to Canada that nations are disappearing.


  • Nightmare Fuel: Some of the fans' theories are pretty creepy. And the bloodbath itself literally gave some fans nightmares of Shadow!France attacking them.
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