< Heroes of Newerth < Characters

Heroes of Newerth/Characters/AH

This is part of the character sheet for Heroes of Newerth. Under construction, as new characters are added quite frequently. The list goes in alphabetical order, with this page comprised of letters "A" through "H".


Many have speculated as to what great, damned warrior now lives in torment within the burning armor that marches alongside the Hellbourne army. The Accursed, as he is known, screams in agony as he brings fiery devastation to his foes, but his actions seem driven more by a desire to find oblivion than by malice.

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Beautiful and spirited, Aluna carries within her the essence of Earth itself -- the old Earth, long since lost to the decay of ages. Endowed with its might, and carrying the power of the moon in a mystical emerald, Aluna strikes at her daemonic foes with deadly speed. Thanks to her skill in battle, she has already become a celebrity among the heroes of Newerth.

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The corrupted disciples of Sol harnessed the errant energies of the sun, and from that culmination of twisted nether emerged the ancient daemon god Amun-Ra, abomination of all that is light and holy. Fused together by black fire and fury, this immortal construct threatens to raze the lands with every burning step, defiling everything he touches with heretical fervor.

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The star-born celestial known as Andromeda is a stranger to Newerth. With no memory of her home or her people, she is driven merely by an innate sense that the Hellbourne are vile and the mortal inhabitants of Newerth innocent. Her powerful dimensional magic allows her to bring destruction to the daemons or strength to her new-found allies.

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It is said that for every fear and phobia that afflicts Man and Beast alike, there is a daemon waiting to be born. Arachna -- chittering, skulking, crooked and wicked -- spawns from the fear of spiders. Protected by a chitinous exoskeleton as strong as cold iron, she stalks, and traps, and slaughters her enemies.


A stolid and stalwart defender of the weak, whether Man or Beast, the long-lived Armadon refused to take part in the war between the Legion and the Horde, and instead maintained a neutral haven amidst the strife. With the arrival of the Hellbourne, however, Armadon's choice became clear, and he hefted his mighty mace in the service of good. The gruff warrior is now a key hero in the New Legion.


Balphagore's gluttonous love of corpses draws him to wherever the Hellbourne's atrocities are at their worst. Armed with an array of dark powers, this daemon is not to be trifled with when hungry -- and Balphagore is always hungry.


Earth-shakers and wall-breakers, Behemoths march across the battlefield wielding uprooted trees with deadly force. The sheer force of their attacks brings enemies to their knees, where powerful blows make short work of them. Of all the Beasts, none are so mighty as these noble creatures, nor any so willing to stand between the daemons and their friends.


The smoke-blackened foundries of the Iron City have long been known to produce the endless stream of weapons and armor that make the Legion's war against the Hellbourne possible. But now, as manpower becomes harder to replace than supplies, the very Blacksmiths themselves have joined the battlefield, bringing strength earned through decades of toil and a mastery over fire itself.

Blood Hunter

Although the Hunters were members of the Beast Horde in its war against the humans, they always preferred the darkness to the light, and were won over to the Hellbourne with the promise of human blood. They are led by the traitor Blood Hunter, a swift and deadly warrior who feeds on the blood of his enemies and heals with horrifying speed.


Brother of the famed evil scientist that became Dr. Repulsor, the Bombardier uses his wild mind to aid the Legion. Just a few years ago, the two brothers made amazing technical wonders together. But the Hellbourne arose and corrupted Repulsor, leaving the Bombardier with a fierce sense of vengeance. Bombardier, along with faithful assistant Twitch, uses his various inventions and dangerous toys to beat the Hellbourne back into hell so far that they will finally release their evil grip on his brother.


A powerful wizard once owned a pet turtle. Each day, the turtle watched and mimicked as the wizard practiced his spells. One day, the turtle fell into a magical pool and was transformed into more than a mere turtle. Now, centuries after his master died, Bubbles lives on, fighting the forces of evil.


The greatest inventors of the Human Legion dreamed of making an army of machine warriors to spare humans the bloody cost of war. Only one was ever created, for no one could ever find a way to quicken him. When the Hellbourne fed a stolen soul into its mechanical shell, they brought the Chronos to life and gained the benefit of this artificial monster's mastery over time itself.

Corrupted Disciple

Having traded Sol's sacred flame for the potent and unholy energy of the Hellbourne, the Corrupted Disciple is now little more than a battery of black magic. He unleashes this fell sorcery in many forms, some to his benefit but all to the agony of those around him.


In the darkest days of the war, when starvation stalked the land, it is said that some men turned to eating the flesh of the dead -- and then, the flesh of the living. Perhaps that is the origin of Dampeer, a monster who feeds on the lifeforce of his foes, spreading terror before his tattered wings, his pants the only remnants of his humanity.


Born of the cruelly tainted lands of Newerth, Deadwood is the undead husk of the first Keeper of the Forest. All around him, living things wilt, and he has little hesitation to destroy trees or use them as weapons. Despite seeking the destruction of Newerth, he still commands the incredible strength and natural powers of a forest guardian, thus combining the cruelty of the Hellbourne with the powers that once belonged only to the Beast Horde.


Enshrouded with shadows and the echoes of damned souls, the Defiler is a lover of decay and madness and agony. She draws strength from death around her, and can expel living, suffering shadows from her flesh. Wielding both deadly attacks and an unholy awe that strikes silence into her foes, she truly deserves her vile epithet: "Mistress of the Damned."

Demented Shaman

No greater shame has the Beast Horde than the Demented Shaman: one of their holiest priests, an initiate into their deepest secrets and greatest lore, who betrayed his people and turned to join the Hellbourne. He is a force of corruption and outrage, draining the life of the land to heal those who would destroy it and defeat those who would defend it.


Consuming and destroying all in its path, the corpulent, putrid Devourer exists only to feed. No pain can match the agony of its hunger, and so it shrugs off all attacks, spreading its rot and disease across the battlefield like doom itself.

Doctor Repulsor

The storied professor of archaelogy had never been content. The earth was full of artifacts; artifacts that held secrets to the prior lives of men. Science, psychology, sociology... the forgotten vices of man and the primal tenets of the Hellbourne, poured into the professor as he absorbed the forbidden knowledge and was consumed. Devoid of free will, he is now a slave to the power he once coveted.

Drunken Master

For the Drunken Master, there exists only a single cardinal rule: that booze shall flow, freely and indefinitely. At first apathetic to the Hellbourne threat, the Drunken Master lept to action when a wise sage explained to him that should the Hellbourne overrrun Newerth, there would be no more booze. Armed with expert combat techniques and fueled by questionable substances, the Drunken Master embodies that which is unpredictable and unyielding.


The finest Legion spies learned mere months ago of a mad archaeologist whose unnatural thirst for knowledge led him into a forbidden pact with the Hellbourne. His discoveries have been used to forge Shocktroopers, men fused with Ancient technology, pulsing with violent energy. These horrifying hybrids bear a tank of liquid lightning upon their backs, and they wield its contents as both sword and shield.

Emerald Warden

From a lost scout's journal: This visage of a great horned beast, imposing in stature and ornately bejeweled, descends to us a representative of an unknown druidic sect of beasts. At his behest lesser creatures of the forest fall under command, and when his bow is raised a foe shall fall.


Tied to the lifeforce of all creatures that move across the lands of Newerth, the Empath has suffered greatly in the war against the daemons. Nevertheless, her gift -- and curse -- is a powerful asset for the Legion, for the Empath is able to call on her magic to heal allies, weaken foes, and even merge her essence with other heroes.


The Engineer is a man driven by more than mere eccentricity. Once a humble, hard-drinking builder in the Legion, he came to master all manner of machines. Wielding a blunderbuss of his own design and hoisting ale and a veritable armory on his back, he is a strange but impressive sight on the battlefield.


A shadow cast by the evil in the hearts of Man and Beast alike, Fayde lurks in the dark places of Newerth. While her scythe-like claws are terrible enough, it is her ability to call forth new shadows of herself--or her foes--that is most awful of all.

Flint Beastwood

For years, the Beasts told of a twisted man-thing that stalked them through the Rulian marshes, leaving a trial of corpses in his wake. The humans dubbed him "Flint Beastwood" -- playing on his flint-lock firearms and his residence in the Beasts' forests. Fast to draw, fast to kill, fast to laugh about the deed, Flint has now spread his carnage beyond the marshes to wherever he can find the Legion.


The legionnaire spent years entrapped within the earth, tortured by his captors. Thrashed about by gravity itself, he became infused with its strength. Slowly he built himself a suit of the hardest metals known to man, tempering away for years as he honed its infernal machinery in secret. As he soldered the final plate onto himself, he emerged neither man nor machine, but a force of nature itself.

Forsaken Archer

Once a woodland huntress who captured the hearts of countless men, the Forsaken Archer was taken against her will and slain by a spurned suitor. As she lay dying she forged a terrible pact with the daemons who discovered her broken body. Now, rather than hearts it is souls she captures, wielding them as weapons. Atop the skeletal remains of a beast she once hunted, the forsaken archer rains terror upon any who stand in her path.


Nedd the ogre was captured by the Hellbourne when their war with the legion overran his home. The Hellbourne used their demonic magic to alter Nedd, fusing him with powerful weapons, and lobotomizing him to ensure complete obedience. Now little remains of the peaceful ogre he once was. He's an abomination, a living weapon, a tightly-reined destructive force: He is Gauntlet.


The legends of Frostfield speak of a mighty warrior in a frozen prison who would break free when Newerth needed him most. On the eve of the Hellbourne invasion, a man made more of cold than flesh emerged from the tundra. Wrapped in mist and armored in ice, the stranger claimed the name Glacius, but when he aligned himself with the Hellbourne daemons, he shattered what hope his people had left.


Mighty and stoic, this famed warrior left behind the ruins of his home for a place in King Maliken's first Legion. From boyhood on, he has known nothing but battle, and his silent determination and deadly strength have earned him the epithet "Hammerstorm." Every blow of his hammer resounds like a death knell across the battlefield.


During the war against the Beasts, many humans became experts in summoning daemons to fight alongside the Legion. Some became addicted to this unholy act, and even when the Hellbourne turned against their masters, continued to invoke the dark rituals. One such warlock is known only as Hellbringer, now a captain in the Hellbourne army and perhaps the most despised man on Newerth.

  1. "Andromeda shakes the magnetic field of Newerth, causing an aurora to erupt, damage, and reduce the armor of all enemies in front of her."
  2. "Andromeda rips a comet from her dimension to hurl at an enemy, damaging and stunning them."
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