< Heroes (TV series)

Heroes (TV series)/Funny

About Crowning Moments Of Funny in Heroes, not CMOFS involving Heroes.

  • From the Season 2 finale of Heroes, Nathan and Parkman fly to Primatech to stop Adam and Peter from unleashing the virus. Or rather, Nathan flies with Parkman on his back. Once they land at their destination, the dust themselves off and say "Let's never do that again."
    • Hiro and Ando are often good for comedy. My favourite is Hiro's 'whoooosh' scene with Nathan in 'Godsend'.
    • From the Season 3 opener when Sylar finally captures Claire and takes a look at her brain, the writers joss a popular fan theory in the funniest way possible.

Claire: Are you going to eat it?
Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire, that's disgusting.

    • "Why are you talking to the turtle?"
      • Preceded by the look of perfect, happy disbelief on Matt's face as he says, "High five, turtle!"
    • Hiro and Ando again. This time when Hiro devises a plan to steal the briefcase from The Haitian. Ando improvises halfway through and sneaks behind The Haitian and knocks him out with a blunt object. Hiro asks Ando incredulously what the hell Ando thinks he's doing and Ando declares "I'm being awesome!!!" Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • "Angels and Monsters" had a few excellent moments - Adam's apparent fondness for appletinis, Hiro and Ando insisting that they are 'bad asses', and the exchange when they seek Adam's help in finding out who stole the formula:

Adam: My guess is that your villain is Angela Petrelli.
Hiro: But she's the one who told us to find the formula.
Adam: Well I'm fresh out of ideas.

    • The CMOF in that particular scene had to be Adam saying "You little Japanese Nazi!"
    • What about when Hiro and Ando subsequently try to track down Usutu? Hiro is of course confident that his control of space-time will make it easy even if their target is a precog, but when they arrive, all Hiro finds is a painting on the wall of Usutu knocking out Hiro with a shovel. Which then immediately comes to pass. Logically enough, Hiro decides to travel back in time a few minutes and sneak up on his target from outside. And, in a beautiful Oh Crap moment, finds another painting of him being knocked out, which happens again. He wakes up in time to witness himself teleporting and goes grumpily back to Ando, to the latter's confusion.
    • No single Hiro and Ando moment will ever beat the poker scene from season 1:

Man: You're going to the bathroom together?
Ando: Yes. That is how we roll.

    • Hiro getting hit is always funny. especially when he makes that "oi" sound.
    • Let us not forget the two classic sequences from "Company Man":

Matt: No, no, don't!
Ted: I'm not gonna nuke the dog!!
Matt: The sonovabitch is thinking in Japanese!
Ted: WHY are you THINKING in Japanese?! HUH?!

Peter: I don't have to do ANYTHING!!!
Claude: Except fly. (Grins mischievously and shoves Peter off the roof.)

    • Claude randomly stealing stuff in "The Fix."
    • In "The Eclipse Part 2", Hiro's random interruption of the tense moment at the Bennet household.

Hiro: Bad man! *teleports Sylar away*

      • The best part of that scene is the incredulous looks on the Bennett's and Elle's faces as they try to figure out WTF JUST HAPPENED??

Elle: What the hell??

    • After Sylar murders an office worker for her powers on her birthday, her coworkers come in and shout "Surprise!" Drenched in blood, standing over her dead body, Sylar innocently says "Cake?"
      • It's even funnier for fans of the game Portal, since the power Sylar stole was the ability to know when people are lying to you. Because then he knew for sure that The Cake Was NOT A Lie!
    • Hiro taking Japanese politeness a step further, by bowing and apologizing before punching out Tracy.
  • Talking to his new... sidekick in 'Building 26', Sylar gives us this:

Luke: So you're a like a serial killer?
Sylar: I'm not a serial killer.
Luke: But you've got a pattern, you go after specific victims, you collect mementos...
Sylar: Okay, technically, I'm a serial killer.

      • And shortly after that

Sylar: *turns on the radio*
Talking Heads: Psycho killer!

    • "Cold Snap" has Hiro and Ando hiding in a giant pile of stuffed animals with their faces sticking out, presumably under the (not unreasonable, in Hiro's case) assumption that they can pass for plush dolls. Later on, Hiro tries to get the baby to say "Yatta!" and raises the kid's arm like he's punching the air.
      • And Parkman convincing a whole hospital that Daphne is Gwen Stefani. Welcome back, Bryan Fuller!
    • In the third episode of Volume 3, Sylar plays house four years in the future, complete with a four-year-old son, Mr Muggles, sweatpants, an apron, and waffles.
    • Nathan's death in the volume four finale. I'm sorry, but if you can find me a funnier noise than Angela Petrelli's scream after she sees Nathan's body, I will gladly listen to it.
  • Say it with me now, "Woo hoo! Waffles!"
    • Waffles!
      • Waffur! Waffur!
  • From the Vol. 5 premiere: "Is that clam chowder?"
  • In Volume 2's "Powerless," when Sylar has Molly, Mohinder, and Maya all at gunpoint and is trying to threaten Mohinder into just giving him the cure for the virus straight off and without any testing, Mohinder looks at him and says, "It doesn't work like that. The wrong dose could kill you." He holds up a tourniquet and gives Sylar the most gleeful look in the world. Sylar's annoyed expression is priceless.
  • Hiro throws ears of corn at Parkman in irritation while Ando translates Hiro's rant.
  • After unknowingly absorbing the ability to see sound, Peter attempts to take off running via superspeed. They even toss in his theme music that abruptly cuts off when Peter realizes he isn't going super fast. Peter even smacks his leg as if that would kick start the ability.
  • From Volume 5: In the episode "Thanksgiving", Sylar gets his his body back and gleefully eats an entire pumpkin pie by himself while ignoring death glares from a telekinetically paralyzed Peter and Angela.
    • From the same episode, Sandra's new boyfriend faints when he sees Claire's arm healing after she had stabbed herself with the carving knife. Her parents just look put out and Noah's date simply rolls her eyes, complete with an "Oh, jeez."
  • Hiro's nerd-riffic Word Salad after he gets his brain scrambled.

Ando: It's like someone took a shabu spoon and stirred up his fanboy brain.

  • From Volume 1 when Nathan is threatening Linderman with a gun:

Linderman: Now you can't have any of my pot pie.

  • What about in Season 3 when Hiro's memories got erased back to when he was ten years old. First of all, he figures the best place to find answers is at the comic book store, and we get to see his reaction upon reading the latest issues:

"Wait, Spiderman revealed his secret identity? Captain America is DEAD? The Hulk is RED?!"

  • Adam: Objection your honor! He's reciting the opening from Quantum Leap.
    • "And theres was that guy Ted... Ted... uh..."
  • Peter broods on a rooftop in Sylar's dream world until Sylar appears and starts heckling him. Peter responds by punching him in the mouth and then clutches his fist as he winces from the pain.
  • In the episode in Volume one where Hiro and Ando cheat at Poker they are confronted in the parking garage by the casino owner (or maybe the pit boss) and some thugs. Ando tries to scare tham off by telling them "My friend has a very big power" at which point one of the thugs knocks out Hiro, who was just standing there smiling as he didn't yet speak english, with one punch.
  • Danko attempts to grill Tracy in an attempt get some dirt on Nathan. It first, it seems like she was going to tell him about Nathan's ability to fly, but it turns out she just tells him that Nathan was lousy in bed. Nathan looks put out as he watched the interrogation over the security cameras.
  • The last line of Sylar's Bavarian Fire Drill: "And get me some coffee. Decaf, no sugar." *turns to Bennet with an innocent look on his face* "You drink decaf, right?"
  • Hiro: Don't worry Baby Matt Parkman! We will make you big again!!!
  • "Naked lady! I think you are trying to seduce me!"
  • Ando, when drugged up, is hilarious.
  • Basically all of Hiro's lines during his twisted fanboy mindscrew episode.
  • Sylar's clothing while he was suffering from amnesia and working as a ride operator at the carnival is more of an unintentional one; anyone who was remotely familiar with what Zachary Quinto is like when he's not in character was bound to start snickering.
  • In season one, Nathan trying to teach Hiro how to say "villain".
  • Claire and Nathan's Drinking Contest in Mexico. Nathan claims to be a pro at this since his time at the Naval Academy but he passes out cold early in the contest. Claire has to fake her way through the contest so she can finish up for him and then drag Nathan back to their tiny motel room.
  • Peter, being a bit rusty with teleporting, accidentally teleports himself into the bathroom of Noah's apartment. He's met with a confused look on Claire's face and Noah's gun pointed at him.
  • The entire sequence of Claire hiding a teenage fugitive in her bedroom and then him being found hiding in her closet by Sandra because Mr. Muggles found the kid's sandwich under Claire's bed.
    • It's made funnier when she claims that she had been sleeping with him and he quickly protests. Sandra overrides the conversation by offering to make the kid a fake ID.
  • Parkman is gearing up for a raid, when Sylar, who's trapped inside Matt's head, starts heckling him. The way Sylar rolls his eyes and gags at the thought of staying inside Matt's head longer than he has to is what sells it.

Sylar: "I wish I was a ghost. It would be sooooooo much better that this hell...being stuck in your miserable life? *gags* I mean, have you seen yourself eat a burrito?"

    • And later in the same episode, Sylar taunts Parkman again with a stuffed rabbit toy and making it talk in a childlike voice.
  • Sylar comments to Claire about his time during Season 2: "It's all behind me now, like a long night after a bad taco."

"Sprague! Ted Sprague!!"

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