Hero Episode

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    Well, your good ole Villain Protagonist is back for another episode of jolly good death and destruction- ready to teach those no good, rotten goody-two-shoes another lesson about why it's so great to be the bad guy. But wait . . . that's not Bob the Butcher on the screen. . . . it's not even his peppy yet psychotically insane sidekick. It's the heroes, ladies and gentlemen. And the next thirty-plus minutes are all theirs.

    The Hero Episode is Exactly What It Says on the Tin, and basically what the Villain Episode is called when you've got yourself a villain protagonist. In TV shows where the person who is technically the villain is the main focus, it's interesting to have Something Completely Different for an episode to show what the real heroes of the story are doing. Whether it's just a Villains Out Shopping (villain?) episode, or The Greatest Story Never Told depends on the reason for the episode. Sometimes, the hero has done something so depraved that they need a Breather Episode. Maybe they just wanted something different.

    Compare and Contrast: A Day in the Limelight, A Death in the Limelight, The Greatest Story Never Told, A Day in The Life, Villain Episode, Hostile Show Takeover, and Sympathetic POV.

    Examples of Hero Episode include:

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