< Hee Haw

Hee Haw/YMMV

  • Ear Worm: Several.
    • "Gloom, despair and agony on me!
      Deep dark depression, excessive misery!
      If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!
      Gloom, despair and agony on me!"
    • "Where, oh where, are you tonight?
      Why did you leave me here all alone?
      I searched the world over and I thought I'd found true love
      You met another, and PTHHHT you was gone!"
  • Jumping the Shark: In 1991, to attract a younger demographic and to reverse a decline in affiliates, the producers decided to completely revamp the show by moving the main setting from Kornfield Kounty to the city, and attracting younger singers (in place of the traditional country stars that had appeared on the show). The move didn't work (and in some cases, angered longtime fans), and the new format lasted a year.
  • Memetic Outfit: Minnie Pearl's Nice Hat.
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