Head On
A medical product known for its annoyingly simple commercial. Literally, the entire commercial was as follows:
HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn is available without a prescription at retailers nationwide.
The notorious advertisement, which first aired in June 2006, stemmed from Better Business Bureau objections to the earlier ads' claims of "fast, safe, effective" headache relief. In reality, the product is little more than a wax stick with extremely low concentrations of various plants, and is sold as a homeopathic remedy.
- Ad Nauseam
- Beige Prose: What does this product do?
- Enforced Trope: Since it's just a stick of wax that has absolutely nothing clinically proven to cure anything, they are not legally allowed to say that it does anything at all.
- Broken Record
- Department of Redundancy Department
- Follow the Leader: A self-inflicted example; the same company also made FREEdHem hemorrhoid cream, which was advertised in the same way (first "FREEdHem, the only one-application hemorrhoidal cream", then "Freedom from hemorrhoids, FREEdHem hemorrhoid cream"), and ActivOn, RenewIn and PreferOn, which weren't.
- FREEdHem, apply directly to the...never mind.
- Lampshade Hanging: Eventually they wisened up to the mass's opinions about the commercial and had it get cut off for someone to come in and point out how annoying they are, but still commending the product.
- Notable Commercial Campaigns
- Rule of Three
- Self-Deprecation / Our Product Sucks: Later commercials interrupted themselves halfway through, with different "customers" stating that they hated the ad but loved the product.
- Viewers Are Goldfish
- What Were They Selling Again?: Odds are, if you didn't read the description for the page, you'd have no idea of what HeadOn actually is. Y'know, besides the fact that it's applied to the forehead.
- Applied directly to the forehead.
HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead.