< Havemercy


  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: In Shadow Magic when Alcibiades has just brought down the Ke-Han palace and is fighting the (bat-shit insane) Emperor Iseul and Mamoru, who had been sort of helpless for most of the book, comes out of nowhere to save Alcibiades by shooting his brother in the back with an arrow. He definitely Took a Level in Badass at that point.)

"The punishment," Mamoru said, his face twisted in the dark, "for treason is death."

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Caius, dancing about Alcibiades' room, reading out Yana Berger's letter full of helpful hints of advice.)

"Take very seriously your health, or else you will spout mushrooms from your ears and become like a mossy stone that has no rolling left to do."

    • Pretty much everything involving Sarah Fleet is guaranteed to be hilarious.
    • In Steelhands, Balfour's failed attempts at writing letters to Thom are brilliantly funny, especially as they get progressively worse. They get even funnier when Luvander starts reading them, of course:

"'I hope you will take this with the spirit it is intended when I tell you that in lower Charlotte they are singing a song about my-' Balfour! Really?"

  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming If seeing Jerkass Rook quietly implore Havemercy to stay with him doesn't tug your heartstrings, you might be made of metal.
    • Also, Thom digging Rook out of the sand.
    • In Steelhands, Raphael's return and the airmen's reaction to this certainly qualifies, partly because they are the last people you would expect a group hug from.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Most of the members of the Corps have experienced this in some way, though Balfour and Caius are the most glaring examples.
    • Sarah Fleet is already shaping up to become one, as well.
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