< Haunting Ground

Haunting Ground/WMG

The game takes place in nWOD verse


  • I agree. Then Daniella is definitely a Galateid (beautiful, and later becomes envious towards Fiona because of her Torment. Debilitas seems to be Tammuz, and I don't know to what Lineage Ricardo and Ugo Belli belong. And that shapeless figures all around the castle? They are probably results of wrong rituals (not Pandorans, but something completely different).

Daniella is so devoted to Lorenzo only because she hopes that he will "complete" her.

If Hewie were in...

  • Rule of Rose - He'd be able to teach Brown to fight! And maybe Hewie would learn to find items at least 4 to 9 rooms away from you!
  • Fatal Frame // Project ZERO - he'd be a tad bit better then the camera at finding those freaking ghosts! ESPECIALLY in the 3rd & 4th games.
  • Silent Hill - He'd be as effective as a shotgun, detecting the monsters ahead of time, and oh yeah...make Heather's life a little less hellish. Also...if he were in the SH games maybe he'd be able to help you hide when you get low on health...oh and he'd sniff up the nearby health drinks.
  • The Lost Crown - Hewie would point out ghosts for you at the least by growling a lot.
  • Barrow Hill - Well he'd warn you when the Unseen Evil is nearby or just out of your site. Also he'd help you find items faster.
  • Clock Tower - He'd help you HIDE from Scissor Man and the decoys in some of the games! Oh and he'd annoy you when you got to close to Cat Scare locations!
  • Siren - Early Zombie Alert Bark would be in full affect! Not to mention he can help search for health and ammo.
  • Deadly Premonition - About the same as he would if he helped you in ANY Silent Hill game! But better because he'd well fed, well petted, and well loved.
    • And there'd be a massive fight to death between him and Willy, the dog in that game. Or they'd be a crime-fighting team and would save the day before all the humans work out the mysterious.
  • Heavy Rain - He'd find the killer faster then it'd take you to find it because he'd outright attack him! After all he has Detect Evil Aura on most of the time.

Daniella is a Nobody.

  • Perhaps not literally, but her whole "I know I'm not complete and that REALLY REALLY SUCKS" vibe smacks a lot of the KH 2 Nobodies. Her entire motivation isn't power or immortality - it's just to become a complete human being that can actually feel again. Then there's the fact that she's got just enough lesser emotions to know that she's missing the ones that actually matter... yeah.

Daniella is a Homunculus.

  • Same principle as above, combined with the canon title.

Haunting Ground takes place in the same world as Resident Evil

Hewie is the same dog from Resident Evil 4, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that in the world of crazy biotechnology that is Resident Evil, Alchemy would be possible and the forerunner to such technology

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