Hatsu Inu
Hatsu Inu is an H Manga compilation series by Inu. It's best known for the Strange Kind of Woman installments that make up the bulk of the three-volume series. Strange Kind of Woman received a highly-acclaimed two-episode anime OVA adaption, followed by a second two-episode OVA the following year.
The story of Strange Kind of Woman revolves around a highly introverted girl named Shion Fujino and her relationship with classmate, Fukuya. As Fukuya quickly discovers, Shion has an obsession with her vibrator, and between this and her near mute-ness, the couple has some issues to work through. Add to the mix another girl who's obsessed with Fukuya and uses scientific concoctions to trick him into having sex with her, and you've got the remedy for an unexpectedly well-done pornographic dramedy.
- Cute Mute - Fujino
- Mad Scientist - Mita
- Shrouded in Myth - Fujino has such a reputation in her school for being cute yet Really Gets Around.
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