< Hatoful Boyfriend

Hatoful Boyfriend/Fridge

Fridge Horror:

  • The birds eat poultry yet they are all now intelligent. Where do they legally get poultry from, then? One wonders about their justice system...
  • There is a birdspotting club even though all birds are now intelligent. Is this a case of Big Brother Is Watching? Is it the Covert Pervert club?
    • It's worth noting that with the exception of a partridge and a quail, all the characters are pigeons. Just as humans do not look upon other mammals equally, it's likely that there are plenty of nonsentient birds left.
    • There is a line about a wild swallow caring for her chicks in September, when swallows usually go to live on their own by early summer. Hiyoki and Ryouta speculate that this means all birds are changing, and Hiyoko observes that the chicks are small, which to players might suggest that they're developing more slowly. Japan's Prime Minister is apparently a shoebill, and a kakapao - a kind of parrot - has just become intelligent enough to be toilet-trained. So the virus that's uplifting birds seems to be affecting different species at different rates.
  • You get your Christmas bird months after Yuuya disappears. Think about what must have been happening to him in the meantime for the meat to be fresh. He didn't even get the mercy of being quickly dismembered the way our heroine does.
  • I know you find that other student's ID card in other storylines, so there is some continuity regarding the infirmary subplot... Does this mean that without anybody to help with his alibi, Yuuya is killed in every storyline but the one where you bail him out?
    • He is. If you attempt to invite him to the summer festival, which takes place after the day you would have intervened, you are unable to call him and simply dismiss it as his phone being disconnected. This happens whether you saw the scene in the infirmary or not.
      • Except for Sakuya's extended ending, where Yuuya sends Hiyoko a message at the very end, and Anghel's path, in which Yuuya shows up near the end, carrying Anghel in his beak.
    • Speaking of the ID card, unless you wish for the mad love of a fallen angel at Tanabata, Anghel probably died in captivity except in BBL.
  • In a completely unrelated train of thought, if the Hawk Party is so bent on you hooking up with birds, what do they make of your relationship with Nageki?
    • You always meet Nageki on the first day. If you don't choose him, you're possibly leaving him alone, forever, with the glimmer of hope of someone actually being able to see/communicate with him.
    • If you don't choose to get close to anybody, the Hawk Party will send someone to kill you in an unexplained manner. And if this game is set after a more severe pandemic involving the H5N1 virus, does that mean that the government is cultivating viruses in order to control its population in a manner similar to Social Darwinism?
  • In one of the central backstory events for the BBL route, when human terrorists massacred all of the bird orphans except for Nageki and Hitori (and also killed Hiyoko's parents when they tried to intervene, the attack could be considered completely justified in that Nageki was already infecting humans with a fast-acting lethal virus every time he left the house.
  • In the BBL route, we learn that Anghel produces hallucinogenic pheromones, to which he himself isn't inmune (provoking his eccentric personality and delusions), and that those affected by them end incorporated into his fantasies, as demonstrated when Ryouta ends into a RPG battle against him. Now, get back into the end of Anghel's route, and lets set the horror of realize that Anghel and Hiyoko killed Shuu during their collective hallucination, and probably disposed of him while still high.

Fridge Brilliance:

  • The teachers have surnames that pun on their species. They're both fake names, too.
  • Hiyoko remarks on how she thinks the air conditioning is on, while Nageki says that it isn't. Ghosts are apparently able to remove heat from their immediate surroundings.
  • In the Otome route, Oko San's 'Coo's are translated in a very pretentious, Hot-Blooded manner with old-fashioned vocabulary, but in the BBL route, they're translated in a more simple, childlike way. At first it appears to be a necessary convention as part of the Cerebus Retcon that San is a throwback to before birds were uplifted rather than a Cloudcuckoolander Ditz, but then you realise that the narrator of the Otome route is a human girl (who remarks that she has trouble understanding what Oko San is saying half the time) and the narrators of the BBL route are Ryouta and occasionally Sakuya, pigeons. They speak Oko San's pigeon noises instinctively, and think of it as a childish language. But Hiyoko had to learn pigeon speak later in life, probably in a formal setting like a school.

Fridge Logic:

  • How are you able to answer "Yes" after Shuu has cut your head off and is carrying it around with you?
    • Someone on the Let's Play thread came up with an answer to that: He's not carrying her. She's been incorporated into Labor-9 in this timeline, too.
    • It could also just be in the same manner that Hiyoko's spirit is able to communicate with Ryouta in the ending of the Bad Boy's Love route.
    • I just assumed that she didn't "say" anything-- Shuu was just deluding himself into thinking she did. Relatedly, my question is: How did Labor-9 make those breathing sounds (identical to Hiyoko's dying gasps) if nothing was left of Hiyoko but her brain?
  • How can you be killed by a small bird? You're a human, far bigger then him.
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