Harry Potter Comics

Dark Wizards beware.
Don't expect this extra life to last very long, "Tommy". I mean really, I basically killed you with Expelliarmus. Oh, and before I could walk. And with my bare hands. As dark wizards go, you're kind of a pushover.—Harry Potter, to a revived Voldemort
Harry Potter Comics, written and photographed by Travers "Swiftbow" and Rioux "Brogen" Jordan, is the ongoing chronicle of Harry Potter, following the epilogue of Book 7. Dark wizards, dastardly deeds, a Muggle sheriff from Texas, and our heroes. And, oh yeah, it's done with LEGO.
Tropes used in Harry Potter Comics include:
- A Day in the Limelight: Sheriff Ned in Chapter 6.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: Voldemort's resurrected form is his handsome 16 year old self as opposed to the ugly snake-man from the books.
- Justified since they brought his soul back via his diary, and the handsome form is what was almost brought back in the second book.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Invoked with Salazar Slytherin. Depicted here as a man whose historical image of a pureblood obsessor was manufactured to cover up a relationship with Helga Hufflepuff that ended badly.
- Anti-Magic: Sheriff Ned (a Muggle Sheriff) is immune to mind affecting spells, an ability that makes it rather impossible to memory charm him. neuralyzers don't work on him either. His deputy, Bart, is not so lucky.
- Back from the Dead: Voldemort.
- Badass Normal: Sheriff Ned may be just a Muggle, but he's able to take out the Magic-Resistant creature the Necromancer created by just shooting it in the throat.
- Baleful Polymorph: Both parodied and played straight.
- Big Bad:The Necromancer.
- Bigger Bad:The Necromancer is also this, able to put Voldemort in his place.
- Big Damn Heroes:Pulled off twice in a row: Harry and Ginny save James from Voldemort, and the Hogwarts Staff shows up to force the Necromancer to retreat soon after.
- Big Word Shout: HUFFLEPUFF!
- Bittersweet Ending: The latest arc Our heroes made it out of the arch in time, Voldermort is trapped between worlds, and the Necromancer's minions were defeated... but all three of our heroes are now jobless, The Minister still won't face facts, and Ahmed is going to prison with his fellow terrorists despite having reformed.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Hermione seems to know what flashbacks are.
- Breather Episode: After the thrill-a-minute last couple of episodes, the latest one has The Potters and Weasleys going to the World Cup with the Malfoys, though time will tell if this is in full effect.
- Well, so far it seems not, what with them being abducted by pirates...Maybe it'll get better?
- Built With Lego: Well, yeah.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer:Sheriff Ned who's despite being the comic relief character is very effective at his job.
- Cardboard Prison: Medria and Thomas never stay in prison for long, much to Harry and Ron's frustration.
- Cerebus Syndrome: The comic started out fairly light with hint of a bigger storyline, and even a holiday special. But with the last 2 chapters things have gotten much more serious.
- Chekhov's Boomerang: (not sure if this is the right trope) The Resurrection Stone comes back.
- Clueless Deputy: Deputy Bart. Mostly because of the constant memory charms. He is quite competent at his job, though, even if he isn't always sure how they got there.
- Cool Shades: Sheriff Ned. Oh, and George Weasley, Teddy Lupin, and Mac Irdee [James' best friend].
- Dead Guy, Junior: James, Albus and Teddy, naturally. James seems to take after his namesake more than the other though.
- Demoted to Dragon: Voldermort, who is even lower being only as important as the other two. He is not happy.
- Does This Make Me Look Fat?: Medria asks this about her hat.
- The Dragon: Not the actual dragon, but Granby is this to the new minister.
- Everything Is Big in Texas: Sheriff Ned and Bart, who are working in Britain on an exchange program, make reference to their counterparts currently in Texas in this comic: . The Texans are shown as revolver-toting cowboys towing the poor British police officers through the sand with lassoes. The Brits, on the other hand, talk entirely about tea and crumpets. But, as the authors put it, "It's okay for us to make fun of Brits and Texans because we're from Colorado. (Also, saying things makes them fact!)"
- Evil Eye: The Necromancer has one.
- Fantastic Racism: Averted with The Necromancer, who has a Squib and a Muggle-born as his minions.
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: The Necromancer, also the Evil Genius
- The Dragon: Voldemort
- The Brute (of the Genius Bruiser variety): Thomas Drake, the Black Knight
- The Dark Chick: Medria Darkwood
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Harry
- The Lancer: Ron
- The Smart Guy: Hermione
- The Big Guy: Sheriff Ned and also Ginny
- The Chick: Deputy Bart (also gets to be the Big Guy occasionally)
- Freudian Excuse: The Necromancer. In reality, he is Horatio Haglenorth Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin's rejected son.
- Head-in-The-Sand Management: The current minister, who, like Fudge, refuses to believe that evil is on the horizon.
- Heel Face Turn: One of the Muslim terrorists, Ahmad, helps subdue his brothers after realizing the true scope of his prior actions.
- There is a possibility that Medria has fallen under this too thanks to Ahmad. Although she plans to rescue Potter and friends out of jail (as well as Thomas's father, who turns out to be the ship's captain), she also plans to steal all the goodies in the ship as well. The notes say that "Medria's the kind of villain who grew up watching way too many cartoons. And then rooted for the villains."
- Hufflepuff House: Rosie Weasley's indecisiveness landed her in Hufflepuff House, much to Ron's chagrin.
- It Got Worse: The latest chapter. Terrorist destroyed the Ministry, Voldemort is trapped between worlds where the Necromancer is dead set on keeping him (Though that's not nearly as bad), Hermione was knocked through the arch and is now in the afterlife and Harry has chased after her, with both only having 1 hour before they're dead for good. Oh and the chapter isn't even done yet.
- Leeroy Jenkins: James, who sneaks into the Chamber of Secrets after the bad guys and tries to take them on all by himself, despite only being a second year.
- Loser Son of Loser Dad: Both subverted and played straight with Scorpius: He's actually good friends with Rose and Albus but James thinks he's nothing more than Draco Junior despite the fact that he acts nothing like his dad did.
- Magic Bullets: Literal here… Sheriff Ned and Deputy Bart both have access to these thanks to Arthur Weasley.
- Magic Knight: Medria Darkwood, who dual-wields her wand and an MP7. Her mercenary partner, who actually dresses as a knight, Thomas Drake, wields enchanted and magic-resistant gear, but is, in fact, a Squib.
- Mama Bear: Don't put Ginny's family in danger if you value your life.
- The Men in Black: Apparently the film Men In Black takes place in the same universe as Harry Potter, as seen here.
- Mistaken for Terrorist: Inverted. Only Medria (a villain) gives the three Muslims in the Ministry of Magic a hard time. Until it turns out that they ARE terrorists.
- Muggle Born of Mages: The Dark Knight is a Squib. But he makes up for this with magical artificing, especially in his kevlar/full plate/magic resistant armor.
- Muggles Do It Better: Played with. Medria uses a mix of magic and modern technology to become a world-class thief. On the good side, Sheriff Ned is almost completely useless when it comes to dragons and forcefields, yet (with some help) he took down a magic-proof beast as well as a Werewolf by himself (Bart helped too).
- Mundane Afterlife: For the moment anyway, the afterlife bears a very close resemblance to the regular world, except mistier and mirror imaged.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Medria has called Ahmad Sinbad, Aladdin, and Towelie after they and the Dark Knight break out of Azkaban.
- Necromancer: The lead villain, whose mysterious backstory ties into many elemnts of the Harry Potter universe. Besides his hired mercenaries, his main minions are legions of inferi (zombies of Harry Potterdom).
- Nice Hat: The new minister's top hat.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Voldemort still has it in for Harry, but is also more than happy to kill his children.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Two tamed dragons have appeared in the series, one with the villains and one raised by Charlie Weasley.
- Our Liches Are Different: One-upped by the Necromancer, who not only invented the original Horcrux formula that Voldemort used, but later perfected it. As such, when he was struck by an Avada Kedavra, it just knocked him down for a second or two.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Arcturus Ronolphin Cagney embraced his werewolfdom to the level that he takes measures to force his change by simulating a full moon with magic. Thanks to his resistance potion, he can even use magic while transformed.
- The comic also bends canon slightly by extending the transforming period of werewolves to include the days before and after the full moon.
- Overnight Age-Up: Poor poor Rose. She gets better, though.
- Pirate: They appear while Potter and friends are taking a holiday and there is a kidnapping.
- Power Trio: Guess.
- Also for the villains with the Necromancer, Medria Darkwood, and Thomas Drake.
- Sadist Teacher: The Creature who takes over the potions master position. He takes house points from Albus and Scorpius for being friends due to their respective house histories, gave all of the students make up work for the time he wasn't a professor and even tries to deduct points from Sheriff Ned for asking him a question.
- The Santa Clause: Harry Potter and the Santa Clause apparently exist in the same universe. Also see Stargate: SG-1.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Fails here.
- The Sheriff: Sheriff Ned.
- Ship Tease: Neville and Luna get a bit at the beginning of the Christmas Special.
- Scorpius and Rose also get a little bit.
- Skyward Scream:Ron gives one after finding out Rose is in, wait for it: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
- This becomes a running gag in a short time.
- Something Completely Different: This strip is not in LEGO while this one is.
- Stargate Verse: Exists in the same universe as Harry Potter, as seen in the Christmas Special.
- Took a Level in Badass: Ron, fighting two Muslim Terrorist Wizards simultaneously after transfiguring his wand into a sword.
- Hagrid was already pretty Badass but now he's able to do magic freely and knows how to use it.
- Two Lines, No Waiting: Occasionally, as the kids have adventures at Hogwarts while the adults try and stop the Big Bad but the plotlines have met many times.
- Unsound Effect: Appear every once in a while. For example, Air Brakes!
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The new minister wants to usher in a new era of peace but is completly ignoring Harry's pleas about the trouble brewing in favor of trying to get rid of him and his friends.
- Wizard Beard: The Necromancer has one that rivals Dumbledore's.
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