< Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew Mysteries

Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew Mysteries/YMMV

  • Critical Research Failure
    • "The Creatures Who Came On Sunday": The ep's opening titles say we're in New Mexico...but not 20 seconds later, the Hardys are pulling into a burned-out gas station, and Frank pulls out a map to trace a route to the next town -- and he's looking at a map of Montana, and tracing the Missouri River to get to Great Falls. Obviously, Frank plans to dump his gullible geographically-challenged brother in the river in the back country. Muahahahaha.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
  • They Just Didn't Care:
    • "The Strange Fate of Flight 608": The Hardys have just crashed a jet airliner into the ocean (don't ask); they're the only awake and copacetic males on a flight of pretty stewardesses. All the OTHER men on board are the pilots, who have been knocked out by some weird drug. As the Hardys are helping the stewardesses evacuate everyone onto rubber life rafts, the show cuts to stock footage...showing other men standing on the wings of a plane and helping male passengers into life rafts. Ooops.
    • See the "Creatures Who Came On Sunday" entry above. Oops.
    • "Wipe Out": Joe dives into the surf to save Frank...in what is obviously less than two feet of water.
    • "Voodoo Doll": Despite having a stock footage opening shot of the real Bourbon Street in New Orleans during Mardi Gras...the Hollywood backlot didn't bother to make any buildings that looked like the French Quarter. And in the so-called 'bayou'...what are palm trees doing there?
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